Chapter 9.

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Allia's POV-
Let me tell you something- online school is awesome! I mean I made one friend while I was here, and I kind of miss her, but other than that, I don't miss school at all. And Grandpa and Grandma have decided to buy a new house up north by where my Grandpa works. My grandma is retired.
The new house has 9 bedrooms, 6 1/2 bathrooms, a pool, a game room, a wine cellar, a basement, a huge kitchen, a game room, and we live on private property. So, yay for the new house. Boo for moving. But each room has a balcony, so yay for that too.

Lilith's POV-
We have been packing non- stop for 2 weeks, and are about ready. We move in two days. I am thrilled, yet not so thrilled. They are applying us for private school when we get there. So, yay for that.
I'm excited that we all get our own bedrooms to decorate the way we want. I think mine is going to be a mixtures of purples and grey and white. Allia's new room is like a rose color. Madison's is a teal color, and Erica's is a white and black with mint green chevron theme. Nathan's is red and white. Cole's is royal blue and grey. And Leo's is also a red, but with more grey and black and orange.

The game room/ hang out room and pool is where all the action is gonna be at. We will have fun, I know it.
For the bathroom situation, I get a bathroom to myself because it's in my room, Erica gets her own bathroom, Allia and Madison share a bathroom, Nathan and Cole share a bathroom, Leo gets the half bathroom, and then there is the guest bathroom and my grandparents bathroom, too.

Tomorrow we move. I have my clothes and hair stuff, etc. set out by my bed so I won't have to get it out of my suitcase tomorrow morning. It's going to be a long drive there. Yay for driving from Florida to Hershey. I go to bed around like, 10:15 because we wake up at 4 tomorrow morning to start the long dreaded drive.
It takes a while for me to fall asleep tonight, knowing this is my last night in my own house. Which I kind of sad. But tomorrow is one door closed, another door opened. Literally.

I wake to the sound of my alarm clock on my phone. I feel like I want to smash it with a sledge hammer, but that would destroy the phone, so I'm not going there.
I lay in bed for 5 minutes, get up, get dressed, use my travel tooth brush to brush my teeth, etc. and by 4:30 everyone is awake. But not alive. We are all half dead asleep on the floor. Since there is no couch, sadly. I'm still kind of awake because I'm excited to get a new start on life. Which will be good considered all that has happened.

The car ride to Hershey, Pennsylvania is just awesome. We make funny memories in the car that will last forever in our minds and hearts.

Cole had to bring a mirror and a brush and a mini bottle of gel in his bag because he didn't want to look " the travel look," like the rest of us except for me and Allia. And my grandpa and grandma. They are always stylish, which makes us happy people.

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