Chapter 11.

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Lilith's POV-
So... tonight is the night where we all sleep in closets. Yay... not really. I don't want to sleep on cold, hard floors! That would be horrible! So, I set up tons of blankets on the floor, and removed some of the stuff that was in my closet and put it in my bathroom.
My bathroom is so cool! It is baby blue and coral, and has a silver and gold backsplash in the shower and bathtub. The cabinets are dark wood, and the flooring is silver.
I really like how my pocket door is just at the end of the hallway, and I don't have anyone across from me, except if you count more hallway and couches in the next room over. We have a little wing upstairs, that has a little office for homework doing, and it is also a gym, and we have another hangout, and across from it is my grandparents room. Hehehe.
Tonight is also the night I sneak into their room to see what their closets look like. I bet that they are huge!! I have to go alone, because everyone else isn't a good spy. They all make too much noise on missions like this, trust me. I've had my share of getting busted.

When my so called "guests" arrive, everyone picks a spot to lay their pillow and blankets, and devices. This is going to be a long, long, dreaded night. Let's just say I set up a little snack table on a shelve in my bedroom, so when someone is hungry, or thirsty, they get food from a bag or a cooler.
"So... what should we do?" Cole asks randomly, after a moment of silence. "Well, we could play hide and seek. No one would find each other, I bet," says Madison happily, yet her voice tinted with sarcasm. "Okay. Let's do this! I'll be the seeker!" I shout, with great excitedly- ness. This was my one chance to look at the closet.
And I'm glad I have dark brown hair, so it blends in better in the dark. Unlike Allia and her thin, long golden hair and kind blue eyes. Madison has short, dirty blond hair, with brown cow eyes, and a soul and an attitude that could change at any moment. Same way with Erica, except she has piercing blue eyes that lead you into her soul, and long, long blond hair. Leo has curly blond hair too, and kind of a grey-blue in his eyes. He is sort of tall, and wide, but skinny. Nathan has almost white hair, and green eyes that are piercing and cool. Cole is the only boy with brown hair, kinda like I am the only girl with brown hair. He is tall, and muscular, probably from sports, and has a wide body frame.

Allia's POV-
Hmmm... I am kind of sad. My hair will not go well in dark. And neither will neon pajamas. Lilith is lucky. She has her long, dark brown hair and natural highlights. With her mostly green eyes, and just a hint of brown cow. Lilith is 5' 4", and compared to everyone else, she is short. But the wide body frame she has, helps out with her skinniness. Kinda like Erica, Madison, and I.

I suddenly hear, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Ready or not, here I come!" Oh no...

Lilith's POV-
"5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Ready or not, here I come!" I bellow, loudly across the half hallway that is guarded by glass railing, because it leads to stairs. Okay I think to the master bedroom. It takes me at least 3 minutes to find the bedroom, which is a while always from mine. This room has everything, I think. It has a California - King Bed, which is red and gold and silver, which matches the tan walls, and red accent wall, and curtains. Then there is the mini-gym next to the right side of the bed, where my Grandpa sleeps apparently, because it has his stuff on that side. The balcony is amazing, but I don't go out there.
I'm surprised no one is in here. My Grandpa  is probably doing work in his office, and my Grandma is probably shopping some more. As I enter the right side of the room, I find two doors. Hehe, I think.
I slowly open the door on the left, which leads me to a massive closet, that is tan. Grandma's, I think. It has shelving from head to toe, and beyond. It takes a while to register all the space in here. It is gorgeous! The same thing with the closet on the right. It's so spacious! I love them! I could fit a king sized bed in here! The ginormous closet also has a large spinner shoe cabinet that is taller than me. I cannot believe that they bought this house! And then... I hear the worst thing imaginable... FOOTSTEPS!

On the way of sneaking out, I accidentally chest bump with someone. It takes me half a second to realize who it is. Grandpa! Oh no! "I was just checking out the closets and beds and....," I say scared as I trail off. "Okay. But don't look in mine. There's a surprise. Sh!" He says discreetly.
I tiptoe away from the conversation and go find everyone. I find Allia squeezing herself into kitchen cabinets, and Cole in bathroom linen closets. I found Erica and Madison in my bathroom linen closet, and Nathan in his half-bathroom sink cabinet. But I can't find Leo. Okay. I have checked everywhere, but one place. No... I think. He can't be there! The garage is off limits! That dirty-boy.
I charge towards the garage and open and slam the door shut. "Leo!" I scream, full of anger. "You know you can't be in here!" I say, my voice wavers in the quietness. The others are behind me as I search the garage. I find a little door in the wall that looks like a doggy door, but we don't have a dog.
So, to make matters fair, I crawl through the door and into a long, metal tunnel. The others are crawling right behind me. "What the heck is this?!" Erica says, madly, as we race through the tunnel. I finally reach the end, and crawl out into the game room! Of course! "Aha!" There Leo is, hiding behind the mini-fridge.

"Dude! You didn't tell us there was a secret doggy door, that lead to a metal tunnel, and through a little flap in the bookshelf!!!" I scream, half of anger, half of excitement. That was fun. But, Leo just laughed.
Soon, we all laughed with him.

That evening was filled with laughter, unspeakable dares, and "spooky stories," which actually put me to sleep. As I woke up, everyone was sound asleep, peaceful and the room was filled with amazing quiet. When I get up to go to my bed to read, Leo latches onto my foot. "Stay with me," he says in his quiet voice. I do, but just for a little while, until he falls back asleep. Then I go to my little window spot, and sit down on the cushions that just won't go flat. I read, and watch the sunrise. It's beautiful. I begin to think, I think I'll like it here.

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