Chapter 5.

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Nathan's POV-
Later today, we have a doctors appointment for Lilith, because of when she tripped and fell down the stairs last night. I mean it was pitch black, so it makes sense that she may have hurt herself while walking up the stairs, when it's still dark. She should have had at least one light on. I mean if it were me walking up those stairs, I would have just been waiting by the hospitals door and had my phone in my pocket. I heard a thump last night, but I assumed it was either the ice machine, one of the girls rolling off of their beds, or the girls having one heck of a pillow fight.

Lilith's POV-
"Ahh! " I say in anger and pain as I try to walk to the fridge. Key word- try. Leo comes down and starts making a... sandwich? It's around noon, which means lunch, and at 2 I am going to the doctor for this stupid foot of mine. Right now I have it wrapped up in an ankle wrap that Erica went to go buy from the drug store this morning. Cole comes down and takes half of Leo's sandwich. "Idiot," Leo says. Oh my gosh, he actually said something! "Actually I think I'm the idiot. You see when you walk up the stairs, and it's pitch black, with no light, something bad is bound to happen. Such as my foot," I say sarcastically. "True," he remarks. I smirk at the the two words he says. I called the school and told them what happened to my foot, and they said we didn't have to come today.

Later around 1:45 pm, the girls and I pile into the van and drive to the doctors office. Erica is the one driving, since my foot is bad and it hurts to put pressure on it.
We arrive at the doctors office 10 minutes later, and they ask for my moms signature. I tell them my story and what has happened so far over the past week, and call the nice old lady who worked at NASA. He just signs for my mom, and let's me in. I tell him what's wrong and how it happened, and they ask for 3 X-RAY's.
Later when they do the X-RAY's, they tell me it's because there is no blood flow to my bone, causing it to die. Apparently, if we don't start treatment, I would get severe arthritis.
So, the fix is medicine, crutches, and a cast. I just can't wait to go around school like this! Haha, not really, I am going to die. I mean I already have a dead bone.

Later that evening, I ask Erica to prepare dinner and I have to call the school and tell them what is wrong with me, give the nurse a doctors note tomorrow morning so, I prepare that too. The couch is apparently my home for the next 3 sucky weeks. I try to sleep, but this medicine just keeps me up! Later, after warm milk, a movie, and an episode of House MD, I enter another boring dreamless sleep.

Today, is school. Today is school on crutches. Today is school on crutches, with a freaking cast! I mean was the cast really necessary? I'd rather settle for the boot!
I ask Allia to bring me red shorts, a navy blue and white polka dot chiffon top, and my white jacket. Then comes makeup, hair, and eating. I'm a mess. I need help. How the heck am I going to survive at school if I can't get my own clothes, and need help getting to a bathroom?!

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