Chapter 14- part two

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Waking up in a junkyard is scary, it smells so freaking bad here! But, knowing that you might die, not knowing when, is even scarier. Thankfully, I know that I can make it through this.
I have my family; my cousins, brothers, and grandparents in thought, and my friend... my poor friend, all here with me in spirit. I'm glad she didn't die, though. But she did lose a lot of blood, I could tell from the crime scene.

After about... maybe 5 hours, keeping track by the sun is useful, when you're kidnapped, and I hear a loud crash coming from my right.

"Hello?! If anyone is there, I could sure use some help!" I scream.

"Of course I'll help you... not! Haha," Rory said as he jumped out from a aluminum garbage can.

"Let me go! Right now, I bet the police department is hunting you down with K-9 dogs, computer experts, the S.W.A.T. team, and every county near ours, trying to find you and me. And when they find you, you want to know what they'll do?" I say.

"What?" He said, kind of serious.

"They're going to either lock you away in a mental asylum/ jail, or kill you. And, in my opinion, dying isn't fun. You may dread the day you die, or be scared, or might want to buy a slushy before you die, but guess what? To me, it's not scary. And you definitely don't scare me. So, you might as well just let me go, and run along, or else,"
I say, trying to sound determined and confident, but on the inside, I feel like a frog meeting a falcon. Scared.

Rory just runs off after our little "chat", and doesn't set me free.
What a dipwad he is. I can't believe he actually left me behind.

After another few hours... I'm guessing from the sun... I hear another crash, but from my left. The left has old, crummy cars piled on top of each other. "Hello?!" I yell, again.

Only this time, it's not Rory. It's the S.W.A.T team! Oh, thank goodness!
"Thank the lord you people are here. Rory ran off a long time ago, and I've been here for goodness knows how long," I say as the team unchains me from the smelly dumpster.

Three of the policemen escort me back to my house, and say that there are guards being posted outside of the house to keep me and everyone else safe.

"Grandma?" I say, entering the house. Leo comes strolling in through the walkway, and sees me.

"Lilith! Don't you dare do something like that again!" He screams, and it effects the whole rest of the house, because it's alive and awake quickly. People start running down the stairs, and Cole trips and falls down a few.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, but he just stares at me crazily.
"More like, are you okay?! You've been taken hostage for the past 16 hours, 12 minutes, and 24 seconds! It's not cool man, you freaking scared us!"
Cole screams, hugging me and tears threatening to spill over like a waterfall onto my back.
Everyone else joins into the hug, including Grandpa, Grandma, Allia, Erica, Madison, and Nathan. Leo just stares at me, the tension getting more weird between us.

After a celebratory dinner, (and feeding the cops), the house finally settles down, and so do the people. It seems like everyone retreats to their rooms, and I do too. I start planning a trip for myself, once all this crap is over. I ,San who wouldn't?

I decide to search up "San Diego, California" on my MacBook, and look at hotel expenses, and flight expenses. It would take $324 to fly there, per person. But considering, it's really not that bad, and I need a vacation, too.

When I'm done talking over the vacation plan with Grandma, it has been decided that we will all go to San Diego, and stay at the resort there.
We have already booked two rooms, and one suite. The girls will share one room together, the boys will share another, and the adults will get the suite. Thankfully they will all be side by side, my Grandpa made sure of that.

While I'm working on my schoolwork that was missed, or is missing, I hear a bang on coming from the left of my bedroom. It may have been Cole doing something with a baseball or soccer ball, because that is just who he is.

I walk a few feet to his bedroom door and see that it is shut, so I knock. Since he doesn't answer, I knock louder and harder, and still no answer.
Finally, using my kick-butt jujitsu skills I learned from eighth grade, I kick down the door knob and open the door.

"Cole!" He is lying facedown on his floor, and he looks pale as a sheep when I flip him over. Btw- men are heavy when they are unconscious!
So, I put my ear up to his chest, and see that his heart is still beating, but barely.
He doesn't even have any cuts or bruises, but what made him unconscious?

"Grandma!!!! I need you fast! It's an emergency!" I scream down the stairs. She comes rushing up so fast, I didn't even know she could.

I lead her to Cole, and we both have tears in our eyes. "I'll call an ambulance, you stay here with him, just in case," she says.

The ambulance arrives pretty quickly, and I'm riding in it, holding Cole's fragile hand. The rest following in the car.

When we arrive at the hospital, the nurses rush him onto a gurney, and get him into a room.

Later, while we have all been pacing back and forth ,mostly me, and the doctor comes out of his room. He looks old, has grey hair, but has kind eyes and seems to know what he is talking about.

"Cole... is not doing well. He suffered from lack of hydration, nutrition, fainting, and worst of all... a chronic mild concussion, and may lose some memory. I'm very sorry, and we will have to keep him here for a few more days to monitor him," he says in a sincere tone.

"What made him faint?" I ask him.
"Shock, and lack of hydration and nutrition," Dr. Homure says, " you can visit him now, but he isn't awake yet."

Was it really shock? Or was it something more? I wonder...

Yay! Big chapter, and the one question, was it something more?

Keep reading updates to find out!!

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