Chapter 2.

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Lilith's POV-
Not happy with the news, I walk over to 6 anxious teenagers waiting. "Well?!" Erica says. " All four of them are on the news tonight. I don't know why, though. That nice lady told me to take you guys home in the van, feed you, get you some clothes, and let you stay for a couple nights. In the morning, I have to head over to the police station. But we need to watch the news when we get home. No doubt," I say, leaving all of their faces worried and sad. We just walk in silence to the car, where I sit in the driver's seat, Erica in the passengers seat. I drive us to a McDonald's that's near my house. We each get two burgers, a fry, and a drink to go.
We take the food to my house and Allia finally says, "I wonder what is going on. It better not be no stupid game because it's scaring the crap out of me," and she laughs for the first time tonight. All 7 of us sit on the couch and eat what we can and watch the news. We see all 4 of their faces and names on the TV.

"They're in space?!?!" Erica says, but the rest of us are all just too stunned to talk.
I know I need to help others, but I also need to help myself. "In this moment of crisis, the best thing we can do is find rest and hopefully find confidence and hope that they will be ok. Okay? They will be ok," I try to say confidently.

After I give the girls some pajamas to wear and Leo gives Nathan pajamas to wear, everyone takes turns showering. We split up boys and girls, the girls in my moms bedroom and the boys Cole's bedroom. Two girls take a sleeping bag since two can sleep on the bed. Allia and I sleep in the bed, while Madison and Erica sleep on the floor with the sleeping bags. Tomorrow night we will switch spots.
After a few minutes of silence, Allia says, "Hey, Lilith?" I wait a second to answer, but I do,"Yes?" She comes at me with a question that hits me hard, " Do you think that they will come back safely?" I wait a minute to answer, " I don't know. I have to be a good role model and be full of hope and I can't freak out so that the others won't. But we need rest. So let's go to bed, ok?" " Okay then, but can I come with you tomorrow?" " Sure," I answer. And I drift off into a dream-less sleep.

In the morning when I wake up, I'm the only one up. So, I clean the house a little to keep it a little neat. Then I go get ready, I wear a purple shirt and white leggings. Then I put the smallest amount of makeup on, and put my hair in a high ponytail. I go to wake up Allia, and she is already up, making breakfast. Then I wake up Erica because she needs to be up ,because she is the second oldest here so she needs to watch out for everyone. Allia and I eat breakfast and when Cole comes out he doesn't have a shirt on. " Dude. There are other women in the house besides your sister. Have some self- respect and respect for others," I say. Allia and I drive to the police station and I see the man and woman that talked to us last night. So we walk towards them.

"Hi, you told us to be here today? Why, though?" Allia says, but kind of in a sassy tone, so I turn around and give her a look.  "Yeah, hello. We just want to know why we are here," I say more nice than she did. They tell us it's because we need to figure out how we will be living. " What do you mean, aren't they coming back? I mean they must be trained or something," I say. They just give us sincere looks. " Something went wrong last night with the rockets, and the main engine caught on fire. I'm sorry sweetie," the woman says. I cry a little, but Allia breaks down entirely. I can't show weakness, I tell myself. It's not possible.

Hehehe. Kind of a cliff-hanger. Maybe? What's gonna happen next!?

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