How You Sleep

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Alfred completely engulfs you. He will wrap his arms and legs around your body and honestly, you don't mind.


You guys sleep in the classic spoon form. Sometimes when he needs it, you are the big spoon.


Francis has a problem with moving in his sleep and even sleepwalking so, you guys just sleep however you feel like because it doesn't matter.


Yao likes his space so, you sleep on your side and he sleeps on his. However, if your day was bad he'll hold you close.


Because Ivan is so tall you lay on his chest and fall asleep to his heartbeat. When you fall asleep he listens to your breathing to help him sleep.


You love it when Feliciano sings you Italian lullabies and he enjoys watching you doze off to the sound of his voice, he finds you even more adorable in those moments.


Kiku pretty much uses you as a body pillow and you enjoy every minute of it.


Ludwig likes to sleep soldier style so, you lay on top of him and slowly fall asleep. Once you're fully asleep he wraps his arms around you and kisses your head lightly.

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