Date Night!

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Sweden~ Berwald likes to just stay at home. He'll put on a movie and make some food for you and just cuddle with you on the couch. You don't mind too much because you don't like going at that much anyway.
Finland~ Tino likes to take you on day trips as dates. He won't tell you where you're going, he just tells you what to bring and asks you to guess based on that. He makes it a really fun game to play until you get to your destination.
Norway~ Lukas likes to take you on nature walks and go look at beautiful sights. He usually cooks something before you guys leave and brings it for later.
Denmark~ Matthias likes to do really fun things on dates. He likes to take you rock climbing, paintballing, and hiking. But if you or him aren't feeling up to it, he'll take you to a trampoline park.
Iceland~ Emil has two different date styles. He will either take you out to a movie and just chill or he'll take you go kart racing or something. He's either super fun or really mellow and you can never tell what kind of date you're gonna get.

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