Disney Movies!

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Hercules-Alfred really likes the whole started from the bottom type story and you liked that the heroine wasn't so dependent on love. You both really liked singing EVERY song together.


Cinderella-You both like the classics so Cinderella was an obvious pick. Arthur really likes the way Cindy looks and sings and sometimes....that makes you jealous.


The Hunchback of Notre Dame-Because it's set in Paris it was pretty obvious why Francis liked it. He enjoyed the realistic nature of it and you enjoyed the subtle darkness of the movie. You both think it's one of the most beautiful movies Walt Disney ever made.


Anything Winnie The Pooh(My personal favorite!)-Well, considering the huggable plush nature of every character Yao really loved the story. In fact he loved them so much that he bought EVERY movie, EVERY plush, and basically anything that had to do with the loveable plush bear.


Beauty and The Beast-I think we all know why you two love this movie...It's just so perfect.


Lady and The Tramp-Feliciano just loves to sing Bella Notte and you love the cute dogs!


Alice in Wonderland-You guys love the crazy, out of this world feel of the movie.


Mulan-Ludwig loves how military the movie is(of course) but you love the fierce, girl power story.

A/N-Sorry if you guys found them short or off.

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