Your Song and Why

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(If you guys don't know the songs I really recommend you listen to them cause you may actually like them.)


Army of Angels by The Script-You two heard it together while listening to Pandora and since then you always called it "your song". It just described your relationship perfectly.


The Power of Love by Gabrielle Aplin-Arthur loves the dark and magical feel of the song but loves the song lyrics even more. He may seem cold to everyone else but when you and him listen to this song, he completely melts.


Thousand Years by Christina Perri-You guys find this song so beautiful and Francis always said that it was like your souls have been searching for each other for so long and now have been united. It fits so much that sometimes you cry listening to it.


Something There from Beauty and The Beast-This one is pretty obvious. One day you decided to watch Beauty and The Beast with Ivan and he loved the story and loved that song in particular. Ever since then if you watch the movie you two end up singing the song.


I Really Like You by Carly Rae Jepsen- This song was actually a complete accident because you were just singing it in the car cause it was so catchy and Yao loved hearing you sing it. Now you two blast it and sing along in the car.


Everytime We Touch by Cascada-Kiku actually showed you guys this song and ever since it stuck. Feliciano loved how catchy and upbeat it was and would dance with you when it came on. You love how fun it sounded cause it described your relationship perfectly.


Love You Like a Love Song by Selena Gomez
Neither of you knows exactly why this is your song but it is. It just kinda works and the chorus is really catchy.


Who'd Have Known by Lily Allen- Honestly, you didn't know that your friendship with Ludwig would go this far but it did and really, who'd have known?(See what I did there...)

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