Date Night!

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You're a pretty simple person and Alfred knows that. He likes to take you to parks, arcades, and the movies. Sometimes, on special occasions, he buys you a nice outfit and takes to to dinner. Afterwards, you guys go home to watch a movie and fall asleep on the couch.


Arthur likes to show you how much of a gentleman he is so, he tries to cook you a fancy dinner at home. Well, we all know how that goes. You come home to a smoky kitchen and burnt food so, you offer to go out to dinner and kiss him telling him it's alright.


When Francis takes you on dates he pulls out all the stops. Everything from the best restaurant to the most expensive dress he can find. Not like you mind but, you really don't need another pair of Gucci heels...


Yao like to make you homemade meals and that's about it. You two sit at the table eating, talking, and laughing.


Russia doesn't really like going out to dinner or anything unless you really want to. Usually he just likes to cuddle with you and takes naps.


Feliciano loves to take you around Italy and shows you all the beautiful sights. After a full day of that you two go to a small Italian cafe.


Sometimes you two sit around the house playing video games or watching anime. Other times you two go out to see a new movie or go shopping.


Most of the time you plan dates. These dates are usually just you two going to the park at night and walking around in the moonlight. However, sometimes he will plan a date and it will be to a beach or even a whole vacation to someplace bright and sunny. He likes to take you places outside of Germany which pleasantly surprised you.

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