What He Thinks of You

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"Dude! (Y/N) is so awesome! She's pretty, funny, smart, and likes the things I like. She's perfect and she doesn't think I'm annoying or that I eat too much! I love her so much!"


"(Y/N)? Oh, she is lovely. Quite intelligent and very different from most girls. Not to mention she loves to read which is quite a plus. Oh what am I kidding, I'm completely in love with her! I mean, have you met her?! She's perfect! Smart, beautiful, and she doesn't mind my cooking! *Ahem* Well, let's say I'm quite fond of her."


"Ahhh (Y/N), such a beautiful flower is she not? I love having her around especially when the Black Sheep of Europe is around taunting me. She is very wonderful too."


"(Y/N) is my little sunflower. If anyone were to harm her they would be in very big trouble, Da? Я люблю ее больше, чем что-либо в мире."
*I love her more than anything in the world.


"I love (Y/N)! She is my precious little panda!!!! So cute aru...."


"Ve~ (Y/N). La amo così tanto. Mi piace il suo cibo e il suo viso e tutto di lei. Lei è così perfetto!" *I love her so much. I love her food and her face and everything about her. She's just so perfect!


"(Y/N) is so calming and nice! But then again she can be fun and exciting. I really love both sides of her. She is the love of my life."


*Blushing* " I like (Y/N) a lot. She isn't too hyper and she isn't too cold...."("Just admit you love her Lud...) "O-ok... I love her very much. She is practically made for me! I never want to lose her."

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