Hobby Lobby

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Mkay. So have any of you ever been to a store called Hobby Lobby?? If so, that store is evil. It is beautiful, and it is only evil because you go, and want to buy EVERYTHING. It's bad. But anywhore... I went yesterday with my grandma. That store is huge, and I wanted it to be put into my house. There was this chair that I really wanted because it was all patchy, and colorful and I just wanted it. But alas, I didn't get it. Now, mind you I have a quirky little thing for colors, and old things, and mis-matched things.... So this store was bad. I also found this picture/canvas type thing that said "Color outside the lines" and I just love that because I put my own little meaning behind it blah blah blah. I got my friend Lexy an old key because she likes keys, and my grandma got a colorful table for her bathroom that is sooooooo not going to match the décor, but will look awesome anywaysssss and yeah. So that was my little rant for today.... BYEE!!

Oh! And question for the day. What's your favorite store?

Now bye.

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