I need your help...

18 3 4
  • Dedicated to Everyone who is different

So, something made me very happy today. I was at the mall, and I walked past two girls. They were really pretty, maybe 17 or so. And they were holding hands. And cuddling. It made me happy to think that these two girls are probably some of the most popular at their school, and they were comfortable with themselves. They didn't care what everyone else thought of them. I wish that I could see more of this. That people could be themselves without being judged, and tormented for who they are.

I mean, I know that in our society is being more and more accepted, but there are still so many people that get bullied every day for being themselves. Whether it's being LGBT, or goth, or emo, of just plain different.

So I want you guys to help me with something. I know that most of you probably won't, but I'm hoping that you do. Next time you see someone that looks sad, or they're being bullied, go up to them and tell them that they're going to be okay. That it will get better no matter how bad it is right now. Show them that not everyone is against them. That someone out there cares for them. That they're not alone in this crazy messed up world. Can you guys do that for me?

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