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  • Đã dành riêng cho To Lexy who has to deal with my nightmares for the night

Oh my goodness. So for all of you who know who jennifer lawrence is, i just watched her movie house at the end of the street. That movie is so clever, and well thought out, despite how stupid she could be at times.

So to give you an overview of what it is about, Elissa and her mom sarah move into this house. Their neighbor is a house where two people got married. The story about that house is that the daughter Carrie Anne killed both of her parents and then died in the river. But no one ever found the body of Carrie Anne. The son, Ryan, moved back into the house as he had been living with his aunt.

Elissa starts to become friends with Ryan and they get really close.

Then shit goes down, and he goes crazy, ends up in a mental institute, and there is a face on the tree... ajd yea i dont know. Its just a reallly good movie. But as good as it was, im probably going to have nightmares for a week... thisll be interesting... wish me good luck?

Question of the day: what is your favorite movie?


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