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Okay, (I just realized that I usually start these things with "okay") so at my church, there is this guy. He's really cute/hot, and would be considered a typical emo. Always wears band shirts of bands that are fluffing amazing. And for the longest time, I have wanted to talk to him. Trust me, my friend @sevenchains can attest to that. But I had never had the confidence to go and talk to him. I woke up today, and had the confidence to do it. Today I was going to go and talk to him. But, he wasn't there...

Then, during the service, they had a slide show of the graduates. He was one of them. I found out that his name is Nate. Which I find fitting. But then I realized, if he just graduated high school, that means that he is probably 18. And if he's 18, that means that he couldn't date me unless I was 18. Which I'm not. So then I thought, hmm I have no reason to talk to him now. But then I told myself. Who the fluff cares if I can't date him. He looks awesome, he listens to awesome bands, why can't we just be friends?

So, now that I'm going in with the prospect of just being friends, I will have the confidence to talk to him. So, the next time I see him, I will talk to him. You can make sure of that.

Dedication goes to my friend for having to put up with all my shit throughout my course of seeing this guy. I've kinda woken her up multiple times just so I could get her help

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