I love you

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So, today I found out that my friend Anna had a friend named Casey. But, last Tuesday he died. We just found out today, and it fucking sucks. I never knew him, but I knew that she loved him along with my friends Des, and Nite.

I kind of wish that I had known him, because he sounds like a pretty awesome dude. But, I never did. And I regret that.

So today I'm saying this. I fucking love you. Every. Single. One. Of. You. I love you.

Over 3/4 of you I have never even met. But I don't care. Because you are important. If not to some of the people you know, then to me. You are all important to me. And I would like to get to know every single fucking one of you because I want you to all feel important.

I want to know you.

Guys, please talk to me...

If you need help, talk to me.

If you just want a friend, I'm here.

Don't do this silly thing we call life, alone.

Because it's not worth it.

Just remember, that no matter what, I love you.

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