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So I've come to the conclusion that I am different. I mean, I know that everyone is in their weird way. But I am just completely and horrifically odd.

I don't watch that much TV. So no, I cannot tell you about the newest shows.

I don't do social media. So no, I don't have a Tumblr, or a Twitter, or an Instagram. I do have  Facebook, but I don't go on it.

I wear too much eyeliner.

I don't match. In any way, shape, or form. I wear skinny jeans even though I'm not skinny. At all. I weigh 171 pounds. Yeah I know, unhealthy but I can't physically exercise. There is something wrong with my heart that prohibits me from doing so.

I don't play video games unless you can count Mario brothers.

I think I may have depression.

I cannot be around people.

My body has bunches of scars from self-harm.

I am a very dark person.

 But, I love movies. I have over 500 of them.

I love music, but pop music annoys the shit out of me.

I love to read. So so much.

I can change my clothing style in a day. One day it's black skinnies and a black shirt with converse and bracelets, then the next is a dress with my hair curled and heels.

And another different thing about me, is that I am Bisexual, and a Christian.

Now, you may say, "oh, everyone is different! this is nothing new." but you have no idea, how truly and incredibly different I am. And It makes my annoying. It makes me hated. It makes me, well me I guess.

Tell me what you think about my quirks.

Tell me what makes you different.

What makes you special I guess.


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