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  • Dedicated to Evan

So, do any of you have anxiety? In any form? I do. I have SAD.

When I get around people, I start to freak out. But I don't show it. It's all internal. My head starts pounding as well as my heart. I feel as if I'm about to pass out. It's not very pleasant. There is one person that I know that can make it better when I start to feel like this.

He tells me that I'll be okay. That it doesn't matter, and that he's here for me.

But I told him that I'm bi, and now he doesn't talk to me as much...

And now when I have an anxiety attack I don't know what to do, because I know that he's not there to fix it. That I have to deal with it on my own.

Wednesday nights are the worst. I go to church on these nights, and there are so many people in my youth group. So many. And every time I go, I have an anxiety attack and I'm in a living hell.

But I still go.

So I can see my friends.

So I can see him.

In hopes that maybe things will get better.

But I don't know.

Because in all honesty,

I don't think that they will...

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