chapter 5

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With that, the officer took them all to Robyn's home. Luckily, it wasn't too far away. Robyn really didn't want to go, but she had no choice. It took about less than an hour and they were at the front doors and it looked like a mansion.

"Wow, your family must be rich." Cherry said.

"Yeah, Daddy gets a lot of money from his mountain expeditions." Robyn said softly, she hoped her dad was still alive out there, but as of right now, no one knew.

The cop knocked on the front door to show this 'Aunt Figg' that Robyn was still around and with him right now with a few special guests.

'This Aunt Figg sounds kind of like Cruella DeVil, besides the crazy for fur thing.' Patch thought.

A portly woman in aristocratic clothing came to the door as Robyn struggled. "GOTCHA, YA LITTLE--" she grabbed Robyn, then remembered the cop was there and held the girl close to a cuddling hug. "Honey..."

"See, there she is," the cop smiled. "Safe and sound! Now, we found her down by the old bridge and she had some company with her..."

Robyn looked down to see the cat and mouse and she happily ran to them. "Tom! Jerry!"

"Who?" Figg asked, a little insulted, but hid it from the cop.

"We are her new friends, ma'am, my name is Atticus and this is Cherry and this is my Dalmatian puppy, Patch." Atticus said, introducing them.

"Let them stay, please?" Robyn asked.

Tom walked up to Figg and hugged her legs, letting out a deep meow, batting his eyelashes.

"Please!?" Robyn asked nicely, she knew her 'aunt' wouldn't act rude in front of an authority figure like the cop.

"It might be best, ma'am," the cop agreed with a smile. "Plus some new friends could keep her company and happy when she's not in school and all."

Figg growled, she heavily snarled, but found a sweet smile. "That's just what I was thinking, Officer!"

'Oh, I'm sure she was.' Patch thought, rolling his eyes, not believing the evil woman.

"And how darling your new friends seem," Figg smiled to them, then got in their faces. "You better not cause me any trouble... Or else..." she sounded sharp and deathly.

Cherry wasn't even alarmed by her threat. "Get in my face again and when I'm down, I'm taking you down with me..." she replied, icily and darkly.

"And I hope you have 911 on speed dial, because when I'm finished with you, you're going to need to be in a hospital or even buried." Atticus threatened the evil woman, quietly.

"Oh, how charming..." Figg barely flinched at their threats. "Very well, Robyn, they can all stay."

"They can?" Robyn asked, excited and surprised at her decision.

"See? She's not as bad as you thought!" Jerry smiled.

"You guys will stay, right?" Robyn asked them, hoping they really would.

"Of course we will." Atticus said.

Patch simply nodded his head and barked once with a smile.

"Not forever though, we have our own homes, you know..." Cherry insisted. "Just as soon as we know your dad's okay."

"You guys will have a real home again." Robyn told the cat and mouse, hoping they could become her new pets.

"You bet!" Tom cheered, then looked to Jerry. "Uhh... Him too?"

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