chapter 8

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Back at Robyn's, the younger girl was very miserable and was missing her father very much right now.

"Can't we just tell her?" Cherry asked Atticus since Robyn still didn't know her dad was alive and out there.

"I-I don't know." Atticus said for the first time, not thinking straight only, still remembering of what Figg said.

Cherry took out a key that Forte gave her that had a skull at the end of it and she was able to unlock the door and open it. Robyn stared out the window as she was just miserable and lonely without her father. She shut the window door behind her as she held the framed photo of them together and stared at her crayon drawings. She was always dreaming that her dad would come back to her and would take her away from Aunt Figg and Lickboot forever, but that was just a dream to her for now.

"Okay, we've got to tell her." Atticus said, concentrating now.

Robyn fell down on her knees in depression.

"Robyn, we have to tell you something..." Cherry started.

Robyn looked up at her. "What is it?"


Before she or Atticus could say anything, a familiar cat, mouse, and Dalmatian puppy were climbing down the window on the outside.

"Jerry, Patch, Tom!" Robyn went to the window, she was very happy to see them right now and took them into her room and closed the window behind them. "What were you saying Cherry?"

Cherry smiled, this was a nice reunion and her news would make it even better. "Your dad's okay... They sent out a telegram..."

"He's alive?" Robyn was astounded. "My daddy's alive?"

"Yep, it's true, he's alive." Patch said before Atticus began to hug him.

Robyn opened one of her drawers. "I better get packing, it'll be cold in Tibet!"

"Tibet?" Tom asked.

"If that's where my daddy is, that's where I'm going." Robyn said, determined.

"Then that's where we're going too." Patch and Atticus said in unison.

"But it's way, way out there!" Jerry called as Robyn started to tie her sheets together for them to climb down and escape without anyone noticing.

"Over the hills!" Tom added.

"It's past Cleveland!" Cherry put in.

Robyn put on her rain coat and hat, getting ready to climb down. "You comin' or what?" she called to her new friends.

"Uhh... I'm not good with climbing..." Cherry was a little nervous right now.

"Would you rather face the evil witch?" Atticus asked, referring to Figg.

Cherry sighed, looks like she had no choice. She climbed down and looked very cautious and slowly but surely she went to the ground. Atticus went down after her.

Robyn looked up. "Come on!" she whispered loudly to Tom, Jerry, and Patch as they were still up in the attic.

Tom was even more nervous than Cherry, he got mad at his mouse friend and grabbed him, which made them both fall to the ground and crash.

"Come on, I know a way out of here!" Robyn told her friends, leading the way to the bridge of where they all first met.

"I hope that it's not far." Patch said.

Robyn led them back downtown and they went down the stairs of the bridge by the small body of water there. They all briefly leaned against the bridge to catch their breaths since they had been running. "What's that over there?" she noticed some wood.

"Oh, it's just an old crate." Tom shrugged it off.

Jerry looked at it and turned to them. "Wrong again..."

"It's a raft!" They all then realized.

"Yes!" Patch cheered. "This is our ticket to Tibet!"

There were car screeches heard that made everybody freeze at once. Who else would be up this late at night and come around here? There were flashlight lights shining all around.

Robyn gasped. "It's Aunt Figg!"

Ferdinand looked around and tried to sniff for the runaways.

"Yoo-hoo, Robyn?~" Figg called, mocking a pleasant tone to attract the girl. "It's your Aunt Figg, darling! Come to take you home!~"

'Oh brother, like she would really want to go back with that woman.' Atticus thought.

"Hurry, get on," Robyn told her friends as she started to paddle away. "And be quiet!"

"Hey, there's another one..." Cherry noticed a second raft, she could get on it with Atticus and Patch so that their weight wouldn't drown Robyn's raft.

Patch dropped to the water and dog paddled them while Robyn rowed Tom and Jerry. Ferdinand had found them all and tried to tell his mistress, but she couldn't understand him and only told him to shut up, sending him down the bridge stairs and into the water, and due to his extreme weight gain, he couldn't catch up to them and only drowned himself.

"Did you hear something?" Patch asked them.

"Must be the wind..." Cherry shrugged.

Figg and Lickboot were unable to find Robyn or any of her new friends. That kid must have been very clever. After a while, Patch got tired of kicking his legs and decided to climb on the raft and rest with the others as they gently swayed into the water and more further away from Robyn's house.

"So tired." Patch said before falling asleep.

Everything was so peaceful and quiet, it felt like nothing could disturb them. Jerry even tried to snuggle up with Tom. However, Jerry went too far and Tom ended up in the water. He was just about to scold the mouse until he saw something rather frightening: It was a giant boat and it was going to run them over. Tom yelled out, waking everybody up instantly.

"ABANDON SHIP, ABANDON SHIP!" Cherry yelled so they wouldn't get killed.

"Everyone make a break for it!" Atticus screamed.

Everybody got out of the way and ended up under the water and the rafts were destroyed in the process. Tom, Jerry, and Patch were flowing through the water. Atticus looked to them and grabbed them all and went to save them from drowning, he couldn't find Cherry or Robyn though.

"Girls! Girls!" Atticus called out before placing Tom, Jerry, and Patch on top of a piece of wood big enough for all three of them. "I'll be back soon." He then went off to find Cherry and Robyn.

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