How You Feel About Love

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(A/N This is kinda based off of something Jayy said about love in an interview with Bryan Stars. He said he doesn't like love. Or something along those lines. So this is Dahvie's story in trying to change how he feels about love. You don't have to watch the interview as I have recapped parts in here. But the interviews are hilarious and I would highly rw commend it because it makes life better. xD)


Dahvie's POV

I was laughing and smiling as we walked off the stage. Tonight had been fun. First a crazy interview with Bryan Stars, and then a great concert with our fans. It couldn't get much better then this! Honestly I could still feel my lips tingling from the onstage kiss Jayy and I had done for the fans. Well, we usually just kiss once, but at the end of the concert I had pulled him in for another kiss. He went along with it but I wasn't quiet sure how he would react after we got backstage. My smile didn't disappear and I tried to hurry along to the bus with the others. My steps quickened but it was no use.

"Not so fast Dahvie." Jayy said, grabbing onto my wrist and spinning me around to face him. I looked up a him with a shy smile.

"What do you want Jayy?" I asked, trying to sound confused. He rolled his eyes, "You know what Dahvie. What was that up there?" he asked me. He didn't look mad or angry, and for that I was grateful. How do I explain myself? I just stared up at him and remembered something from earlier that night, during a serious note in our interview.

***During Interview***

"You guys have done this for a while. What um, what love advice would you give to people watching?" Bryan asked, and turned towards me first. Hmm.

"Love advice.." I repeated, trying to think of what to say. Whenever love was mentioned I immediately thought of Jayy, because I love him. My best friend and I'm in love with him.

"Don't fall in it." Jayy said, looking away when Bryan turned to him. Seeing Jayy's expression and hearing him say that made me a little sad. I wanted his love.

"Don't fall in it?" Bryan replied, and Jayy looked up with a small smile/smirk. "What." he said quietly. I said yeah and Jayy laughed.

"Don't fall in love?" Bryan asked, looking between us.

"Nope." Jayy said, "Cause it will fuck you up." he stated. Bryan restated the fuck you up part and then turned to me. Jayy just mmmhm'd us, staring at the floor.

"So you're more of a..." he trailed off addressing me.

"I wanna fall In love." I said truthfully. I already was in love. With Jayy. How could he not want to be loved. I know it was a scary feeling but it's worth it when it works out.

"Fall IN love?" Bryan asked, I mmmhm'd him and Jayy was like "No no no."

"What does that..I'm confused.." Bryan said, confused as me and Jayy had opposite advice. I tried to explain how Jayy felt.

"He doesn't - he uh."

"I don't wanna do it. Nope. Not a gonna happen."

I made up a story of getting married with a white picket fence. Which sounded wonderful if Jayy would be there to spend the life with.

"Fuck that." Jayy chuckled and I did too. Bryan then continued on to ask Adrian about his love life, and I smiled at that.

"See? He fell in love Jayy." Bryan said, turning back to Jayy. Jayy looked down awkwardly and quiet, not really wanting to be on this subject. I knew exactly how he felt about this. About love. He'd been fucked up by it, but he got through it. And I wished he would fall in love again. With me.

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