Jayy Attempts To Cook

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A/N This was an idea given by xXscenekittenXx who is like my bff on Wattpad :) She messaged me and said I should write about Jayy trying to cook, so here it is.

(I am taking requests if you want. Just message me an idea/scene you would like to see happen)

This is long overdue because she asked for this a loong ish time ago. :3

P.S. Remember that this IS fan fiction, I have no idea if either of them can cook, if they're both great at it, or if they both can't cook at all. But in my stories I always make Dahvie the good cook. So this should be fun :D (I was excited to write it!)




Jayy's POV

The sun rays shone through the window across the room, making it brighter. I tried to close my eyes and block it out, but it was too late. I was now awake. I sighed and opened my eyes again to glance around the bedroom, seeing clothes on the floor, shoes and belts. Hmm. I smirked and turned onto my other side, just now aware of arms wrapped around my waist. I knew who they belonged to, and was met with the beautiful face of my sleeping boyfriend. This would never get old. Waking up to him. Well technically he was still sleeping, despite the bright sunshine coming in. He could sleep through practically anything, I swear.

On a usual day, he would wake up and go downstairs first, as I take a shower or sleep in. Whatever. And I would come downstairs to an amazing smell wafting up the stairs. In the kitchen would be Dahvie and a wonderful breakfast waiting. It was always delicious, as everything Dahvie makes is. He's a wonderful cook, so he's always the one to make our meals.

I frowned suddenly. Did he like always cooking for me and him, or was it because I just assumed he would do it? Oh my god, am I a horrible boyfriend? I feel so bad. He's done so much for me, cooking and making me feel so special. I've never done anything for him! I'm so horrible.

Dahvie was still sound asleep, and I was pouting at myself because I felt bad. Maybe I could make it up to him...

Yeah! I can do something super sweet and tell him I love him. Maybe that could make up for it! I smiled at my new idea. But then..

What should I do? I thought about this for a few silent minutes, listening to Dahvies quiet breathing. It was peaceful and perfect.

I could cook for him! Yeah, I can cook a big breakfast and surprise him when he wakes up! The smile on his face would be so great to see. I want him to know how much he means to me. Now I can do something for him.

I got up slowly, unwrapping arms from around me, and headed downstairs in just a pair of jeans I had thrown on, no bothering to put on a shirt. I stayed quiet as I trailed down the stairs, and into the kitchen. I pause in the walk way, staring at our clean white cabinet-ed kitchen. It was a standard kitchen, nothing special. It had an island in the middle, and everything was so nice and neat, just like normal.

'Alright Jayy, time to get cooking.' I reminded myself. I didn't know when Dahvie would wake up, so I should probably get started right away. The only problem is... What should I cook? Well, since I'm making up for a lot of cooking, I'll make a big breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, blueberry pancakes, muffins, waffles, and anything else I can find. I started to hum softly as I grabbed ingredients from the fridge and cabinets. Mixing bowls and measuring cups were pulled out, and a carton of eggs, pancake mix, everything I would need. Once everything was set up on the island, I stepped back to look at it all.

"Holy shit that's a lot of food." I muttered to myself. Well, I guess I have a lot of work ahead of me.

I decided to start on the eggs, since they were the easiest, simplest thing to make. I turned on a burner on the stove, setting a big pan over the flames. I cracked open a few into the big mixing bowl I had, stirring them together before pouring it into the pan I had over the stove. Now to wait...

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