I'm What Dreams Are Made Of ^_^

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Dahvie has been having some pretty...explicit dreams. Dreams about a certain someone that sleeps just down the hall from him. His best friend. Jayy Von Monroe.




Jayy's POV

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I was awoken from my sleep by a strange sound. I listened but couldn't quite place it. As soon as I sat up it was gone. I waited for a few seconds but nothing happened. 'Must have been my imagination.' I thought sleepily. I was about to lie back down but then I heard it again.

It was muffled though, as if behind a wall. Hmm.

I rolled out of my bed, bare feet padding softly against the floor as I slipped into the hallway. I waited for a second until I heard the sound again, coming from down the hall.

Dahvie's room.

My mind started whirling with possibilities, some scary. What if he's in danger? What if he's in pain? I started to worry slightly, trying to quietly make my way to the door. Everything was silent again, and I pressed my ear to the door that lead to his bedroom. Nothing. Maybe I really was tired. Maybe I imagined it.

Then I heard it again, "Mmmmmm."

I blushed slightly, realizing what I had just heard. A moan. Oh my god. I stood up straight, pulling my head away from the door. I was about to turn away, but the sound repeated, only louder this time. Followed by a name. I didn't quite hear it.

"Mmmmmm, -!" it was Dahvie's voice, obviously as it was his room. I felt embarrassed, and, not wanting to hear anymore, I hurried back to my room. Was someone else in there with him? And I had just heard them?! Oh my god. Shit. I tried to close my eyes and ignore the sounds, but it's harder than it seems. He sounded extremely horny. The moans started to fade thankfully, and eventually I was able to fall back asleep.


The next morning I went downstairs to find Dahvie already up and making breakfast.

"Morning." he said cheerfully, and I mumbled a sleepy response. He handed me a plate of eggs and toast and sat down. I sat across from him at our small little kitchen table. We ate in comfortable silence for awhile.

Remembering what I had heard last night, I decided to joke about it.

"So Dahvie, who did you have fun with last night?" I asked with a smirk on my face as I looked at him. His fork stopped an inch away from his plate and he set it down.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, clearly not understanding.

"Last night I heard you were with a girl..do I know her?" I continue to tease him. Dahvie looked honestly confused. Then he chuckled, "I wasn't with anyone last night. Are you sure you heard anything?"

"I know what I heard." I laughed. Dahvie shrugged, "I don't know Jayy, but I was sleeping. In fact I had went to bed early." he stated. That's weird. Is he denying it because he's embarrassed? Or is it because he's telling the truth? He must be telling the truth because he's never embarrassed about sex.

So what did I hear? Had I really imagined the whole thing? Maybe it was a dream. I shrugged it off, it wasn't that important. The rest of the day Dahvie and I discussed tour ideas, new songs and stuff like that. We spent the whole day like this, and soon it was getting late. Time had gone by so fast, and it was almost midnight. Dahvie was yawning every so often, and I could tell he was going to fall asleep any minute.

"Hey Dahvie, let's get to bed before you fall over from exhaustion." I chuckled, and he had a small grin. He nodded in agreement and stood up. He stumbled as he ascended the stairs, and I caught him before he fell. He mumbled a thanks while blushing and I helped him down the hall, leading him to his room. After he had laid down in his bed, I smiled. He looked so cute. I could tell he was already asleep after a few minutes when his breathing evened out, and his body was relaxed. I turned away from the bed and started to leave. I was in the doorway, almost to the hall, when I heard a small whimper. My head whipped around to see Dahvie tossing and turning in his sleep.

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