Yo Ho! (A Pirates Life For Me)

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(Haha...A Pirate Story! (; Enjoy! WARNING: Contains some sexy time ;) Not full on sex (maybe...) but its still not for young eyes! Don't read if you don't like stuff like that.)

Yo Ho! (A Pirates Life For Me)

Dahvie's POV

The waters were crashing into the sides of my ship ferociously, swaying the boat dangerously. My hands kept a tight grip on the wheel, steering calmly through the rough waters and the stormy sea weather. Rains poured from the sky, obscuring the view slightly. My eyes peered into the vast ocean in front of us, and I pulled out my compass to briefly check that we were still on track. We were of course.

"Ay, Cap'n?" I heard a voice from beside me shout out above the crashing sea. I briefly glanced at them and nodded slightly to a shipmate to let them know I was listening.

"The storm ought teh be clearin' up soon, eh?" he asked, squinting at me. My line formed a thin line as I stared up into the clouds above us. "Aye." I nodded once again, to confirm his theory, and he walked off, scurrying to work on the ropes.

"Lads, we've almost made it through the storm!" I called, and cheers erupted from the decks. Smiles were on everyone's faces. The rain was slowly letting up and the waves seemed to soften every minute that passed by. I checked my compass again, shifting the wooden wheel only slightly. When I glanced back up I saw a small floating mass nearing the ship. Curiosity drew my eyes towards it. The other lads noticed it too, and shouts were made.

"Man overboard!" "Man Overboard!!!" Everyone was calling out and pointing. I scoffed and barked an order at them, "Well don't jus' stand there! Bring him aboard!" I bellowed, and they hurried to obey. A square piece of wood was hauled up onto the ship, and atop it was a man. He was unconscious, wet hair stuck to his face. I left the wheel in charge of a shipmate and stepped off the bridge of the ship to walk towards the scene. Men huddled around him and I ordered them to clear away. I leant down next the guy, noticing his pale skin, black hair. I checked for a pulse and sighed in relief when I found one.

"He's alive.." I whispered mostly to myself. I stared at him with a confused expression. Suddenly his eyes fluttered open and he started to splutter, coughing up sea water. I watched him carefully, and he stopped coughing after awhile. His eyes widened and they darted around to everyone on board, landing lastly on me. I didn't break our eye contact. His eyes were hypnotizing, beautiful.

"Oi! Get back to the sails!" I barked, and everyone was moving again, letting me handle this situation. The mystery man was still staring at me, he looked scared and confused.

"Who are you?" I asked, and he blinked when I spoke softly to him. He cleared his throat a few times before attempting to speak.

"I'm - I - I'm Jayy." he whispered hoarsely. I nodded and held out my hand.

"Call me Dahvie." I said with a bright smile, and he tentatively shook my hand with a light blush on his face, still looking around.

"Where am I?" he asked me. I grinned madly, "Why you're aboard the best ship o' the sea!" I bragged, "The Vanity Insanity. Welcome aboard!" Jayy's eyes wandered around and the stared out to sea.

"How did I get here?" he wondered. I shrugged, "We found you unconscious on a small raft. Do you recall anything before that? Were you aboard another ship? Did it go down in the sea?" I asked. Jayy shrugged, looking down, "I don't remember." he whispered, "I can't remember anything but my name." he pulled his knees up to his chest, shivering slightly.

"Jayy, can you stand?" I asked, holding out my hand to help him up. He took it and I felt a shock run through me. I ignored it.

"Come along, I'll take you to get changed into some dry clothes, get some food in ya." I stated and dragged him along behind me as I led him down below the ship. His hand linked with mine and neither of us let go. I smiled as I saw a blush darken his cheeks, but I didn't comment. We stopped in front of a lavish door, leading to my room. I opened the door and closed it behind us once we were inside. He stared at the room, shocked. The bed was king sized, a huge dresser was bolted to one wall, and on another was a vanity mirror/station were I usually did my hair. He was in shock, and didn't say a word.

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