All I Want For Christmas

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A/N So I decided that since its getting close to the holiday many people love, I would write a nice fluffy oneshot as my present to you guys,

So Merry Christmas

Or if there are any readers that don't celebrate Christmas (Just a what if) then...

Happy Holidays!

Happy Winter?

Oh well.

(This is not edited, sorry for any spelling errors)





Jayy's POV

The snow was swirling around in thick clouds with the wind as I got out of my car. I stepped out into the icy winter air and shivered slightly. I wished I had grabbed a warmer jacket.

"God dammit its fucking cold." Dahvie muttered as he stepped out of the car as well. I rolled my eyes at him, grabbing my arms to myself, hoping to keep the warmth in my body.

"What the hell did you expect? It's December." I stated with a small chuckle. Dahvie huffed frustratedly, a cold puff of air visible in front of him.

"Yeah yeah. Shut up dickhead." he laughed along with me, elbowing me in the side while we tried to hurry inside the mall. Elbowing him back, I laughed at his scrunched up face. I grinned at his playfulness, then tried to hide my smile when I noticed I had been staring. Whoops. I turned back to the building ahead, walking quicker as we drew nearer.

Without warning I felt something cold and wet hit that back of my neck, successfully falling down the back of my coat. Snow. And I knew exactly who the culprit was.

"Dahvie, what the hell?" I shouted with a laugh. I wiped the back of my neck but it was too late. The snow was already melting and I was already shivering. Dahvie stood a few feet away looking suspicious as he stood by a snow bank. He had a smirk on his face.

"What?" he asked innocently. But I knew for a fact he wasn't innocent. His face said it all.

"Fuck you." I chuckled. He pouted and ran up to me.

"I'm sorrrryy," he dragged out, "I'll keep you warm." he said and held his arms out for a hug. I sneakily picked up some snow and hid it behind my back before he wrapped his arms around me in a ridiculously tight hug. He refused to let go even after we were both shivering from the cold wind.

"Surprise!" I shouted, patting his head with the hand that held the snow. I giggled at him as he pulled away quickly. His face was priceless. Mouth open in shock, eyes wide and hair covered with snow. I couldn't help but gawk at him. His eyes seemed to glow in the night, brilliant and just...

He shook his head and most of the snow flew off. This thankfully snapped me out of whatever trance I had been in. Dahvie gave me a small glare, but it was still playful.

"What?" I threw his words back at him with the same fake innocence.

"You got me all wet." he whined. I laughed at the ridiculousness of that sentence, shaking my head at him.

"You got me wet first!" I argued.

"What can I say? I have that effect on many people." Dahvie winked at me. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Whatever, can we please just get inside before I freeze? Thanks to you." I added.

"Oh alright." Dahvie grinned and started walking towards the building once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2013 ⏰

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