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A/N *sigh* I need to stop trying to write these sexy scenes, because honestly I suck at it...this is a piece of crap! >.< 

Also, the video that's mentioned is actually on YouTube and if you haven't seen it I suggest you go look it up. I PUT IT UP, SO GO WATCH IT!

*Just a lime, no lemon, sorry!* 

Dahvie's POV 

Here I am. Bored in my room with nothing to do. Again. Ugh, I can't think of any lyrics! I've been trying and trying for the past three hours to come up with something. I haven't even written one word since I started. This is exhausting. Sighing, I fell back onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I groaned in frustration. 

"fuckkk..." I mumbled, running my hands down my face. A knock on my door snapped me back up to a sitting position on my bed. I stared at Jayy, who was leaning casually against the doorframe. Damn, he looked great. No matter what he always did. I stopped myself from checking him out even more and coughed awkwardly, looking away from him. 

"What's wrong Dahvs?" he asked, "Everything okay?" 

"Not really.." I admitted in defeat, "I've actually been trying to write some new songs lately." 

"Really?" he asked, excitement lighting up his beautiful eyes, "Can I hear what you have?" he walked over to sit next to me on the bed. He sat extremely close to me, our thighs pressed against each other. He may not have noticed this, but I did. 

"Uhmm.." I shook my head, "Actually no. Because I haven't written a thing. I just-ugh." I couldn't explain. My mind was so jumbled, and I can't focus on anything. I showed him the empty page that had been empty for hours. 

"Maybe you should relax Dahvie. You seem stressed out. Stop thinking so hard, let yourself have a break." he chuckled, putting a hand on my back soothingly, "You work so hard." he said, and I interjected, "You do too Jayy. We both do. It's for our fans." 

"I know how dedicated you are but you need some free time too." he said, actually looking concerned instead of joking. Maybe I had been spending too much time on this. 

"I know, I know. I guess you're right..." I said quietly, looking down at my lap. 

"Good! You better, or else you'll have me to deal with. Got it?" he joked, with a cute fake mean face on, and I giggled, nodding at him. He smiled at me, and I didn't even try to fight the smile on my own face. He got up and walked back to the door, stopping to look back at me 

"Alrighty, I'm gonna go get something to eat from downstairs. Want anything?" he asked. I shook my head and said no thanks, then watched him shrug and walk away. And yes, I did look at his ass. 

Okay, confession time. I liked Jayy. A lot. More than a lot. I'm pretty sure I'm in love with him. I don't know when it happened, I just began to see him as very attractive. He was already my best friend, and I know almost everything about him. He was honest, nice, adorable, and I can't imagine my life without him. I'm completely and utterly in love with him! 

And he doesn't even know. I can't tell him, I don't want to ruin anything we have. It could make things awkward. So I just kept it to myself, which sometimes was very hard. Especially when we continued to kiss onstage. I never wanted to stop kissing him. 

'Stop thinking about him!' I yelled to myself mentally. I sighed and grabbed my laptop and pulled up the Internet, typing in Twitter. Might as well take a break now. I logged on and smiled when I noticed Jayy had mentioned me in a tweet. It was recent. 

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