It's Cold.

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A/N Here ya go. Just some fluffy goodness.




Dahvie's POV

"Dahvie, look outside!" Jayy chirped happily as he sat on the other side of the couch. I looked over from my own side to see him happily watching outside the window. He watched the snow falling. Jayy turned his head back to look at me, "It's snowing!" he exclaimed, almost like a child. It was adorable. I chuckled at his innocent expression and smiled at him. His legs were tucked up beside him, tangled with my own and under a small blanket we had thrown on because it had gotten a little chilly in here. We had been watching a movie together, but now Jayy's attention was focused somewhere else.


"Jayy..?" I asked softly, snapping him out of his daydream. He whipped his head around with a sheepish smile.

"Yeah Dahvs?" he responded, but I only chuckled at him. A few seconds later his attention was back to the window, watching the snowflakes fall, some landing on the windowsill. He looked happy at the falling white fluff. A few hours went by, and Jayy watched the snow blanket the ground. This gave me a fun idea.

"Hey Jayy, want to go outside?" I asked, gaining back his attention. He grinned at me, nodding quickly.

"Yes!" he nearly shouted, and I just chuckled some more at his enthusiasm.

"Race ya outside!" he said all of a sudden. I smirked at the challenge, trying to get up quickly as he did the same. Sadly our legs were still tangled, so all we managed was to roll off the couch and onto the floor. We laughed for a minute, before remembering the race. Jayy gave me a smirk, then winked as he grabbed the blanket, throwing it towards me and blinding me for a few seconds. I heard Jayy get up and start running, and I yelled after him as I tried to escape the blanket, "Jayy, you asshole! You cheated!" I finally got up, throwing the blanket on the couch. Jayy was already at the door, and I ran to him, jumping on his back. We fell to the floor with an 'oof' and Jayy groaned.

"Get off me." he whined, and I laughed, "No way! You cheated."

"But-" he didn't say anything else, probably not sure what to say. He just pouted. When I thought he was relaxed I jumped off his back and ran towards the door, opening it and trying to hurry out. I heard Jayy's low chuckle, which was sexy as hell, and it sounded close behind me. Suddenly arms wrapped around my torso, pulling me to a stop only a step out the door, not even, I was on the doorstep, almost outside, but not quite.

"Ahh! Jayy!" I squealed, kicking my legs as he lifted me up into the air, and he spun us around while stepping outside onto the sidewalk. I struggled for only a second before we started to tip over, falling towards the snowy ground. We collapsed into the cold snow, laughing, even as Jayy kept his arms around my waist.

"So who won?" I asked with a giggle, turning my head to look at him. He had snow in his hair, and a bright smile on his face. Our heads were close together.

"I'm not too sure." Jayy chuckled, looking towards the sky with a contented sigh. I continued to watch him as we lay there. His peaceful face and smile made me smile. Suddenly Jayy's eyes were piercing into mine, "Dahvie?" he questioned. I blinked and came back to reality.

"Sorry, what?" I asked. He chuckled, "You were staring." he pointed out, and I could feel myself blush. Hopefully he would pass it off as the chilly air.

"Let's get up." I suggested, changing the subject quickly. Jayy pulled his arms away from me, which I had completely forgotten about, and I felt colder at the loss. He stood up and I only looked up at him, staying on the ground. Jayy rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand to forcefully pull me to my feet.

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