Rise And Shine

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A/N Please comment! :( I haven't gotten many comments on these short stories I write.

I usually don't like the high school stories of them, but I figured I would give it a try. :)

Also I was debating whether to use their real names or just Jayy and Dahvie. But it feels weird saying Jeremy and David... So, yeah.

P.S Not really based off of the music video, but the idea with bullying, the school shooting and stuff..yeah. Sorta...uh just read?




Jayy's POV

"Hey faggot." I was greeted right as I walked into the school building. I kept my head down, ignoring the comment from my classmates. "Gay ass freak." someone muttered, shoving me as they walked past. I stopped to glare at them, but they were already moving on ahead, laughing to their friends as they headed to their first class of the day. I sighed when the bell rang, and I tried to hurry to my class. The hallways were soon empty and it was just me. I took a deep breath and entered through the door, ignoring the dirty look from my teacher who's name I never cared to learn. I kept my head down, avoiding eye contact with everyone and I walked over to the corner desk in the back. Today for some reason, the teacher decided to call me out, "Jayy? Care to tell me why you're late. Again?" he said rudely. I looked up to see everyone's eyes on me. Great, just what I didn't need. I shook my head, not really in the mood to answer. I was late because I had to walk to school, get pushed around in the halls, possibly get beat up if they felt like it, and then somehow try to make way to class before the bell. Yeah. Thankfully everyone's attention turned to a new face appearing in the doorway, head down and crazy colored hair covering his face. It was a guy, around my age obviously, and the teacher forgot about me, so I quickly took my seat.

"Excuse me, you must be the new student here. Name please?" he asked the student. The boy looked up, and his eyes were gorgeous...no. He was gorgeous. Everything about him looked perfect. Okay, Jayy, stop thinking like that!

"I'm ... D..hv..." he mumbled, and I didn't quite catch his name. The teacher apparently hadn't either, "Speak up boy! Mumbling will get you nowhere." he grumbled. The kid sighed and tried again, louder, "Dahvie." he said, and then looked at his feet. The teacher nodded and told him to find a seat. Dahvie looked up with a frown, searching the desks. The back row of desks were all empty because nobody liked to sit even remotely close to me. I watched through my bangs as Dahvie walked towards the back of the room, and I expected him to choose a seat to himself, but no. He sat right next to me, offering a friendly smile. I couldn't help but stare at him, and I didn't get a chance to smile back before he looked away. We sat there quietly as the class began. I should say something to him, right? No, he wouldn't want to be seen talking to me or he'll never make friends here. He still had a chance, even if his hair was colored and cool, and is that eyeliner I see? But I didn't have to say anything to him, because he spoke up in a whisper, "Hey." he said with a warm smile, "I'm Dahvie, what's your name?"

He was talking to me. To me. "I-I uh." I stuttered, "I'm Jayy." I said so softly I wondered if he even heard me. He nodded and giggled, "You're cute." he whispered, making my heart stop. Did he just say I was cute? What. The. Hell. I sat there, wide eyed, just gaping at him. Did he really just say that? Either he is really forward, or he means it in a friendly way, not interested way. Hmmm.

"Uhm...thanks," I blushed, "You're gorgeous." I blurted out, and then I realized I had said that out loud. I hid my face from him, blushing like mad, but I heard him giggle again, a cute light sound, "Thanks." he said, "Wanna hang out sometime?" he asked, and I turned back to look at him, surprised. Was he being serious? "Sure." I said and couldn't fight the smile on my face.

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