Who's Walt.

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Remember writing in italic is people's thoughts!!
Also once again I haven't read through this before so sorry for any mistakes!!
Here's a new chapter, hope it's alright!!😁
Garcia called Hotch, the phone rang once and Hotch answered. He nodded and signalled for Prentiss, Rossi and Reid to come over.
"It's him. Paul Mackenzie, her dad."
Prentiss nodded and called Sam over, Paul's daughter. Prentiss told her it was her dad, see broke down crying because she would never think he dad could do anything like this.

They and the other police officers got in there cars and went to his first foundation, where he started off his building work. Whilst driving, Prentiss called JJ.

"Paul Mackenzie. He's the Unsub."

"Okay. Thanks Emily." JJ signalled Morgan to come over. He quickly walked over to JJ.

"Morgan, the Unsub is Paul Mackenzie we were right at the beginning he-" Before JJ could finish what she was saying Morgan was already quickly going out of the hospital.
"Morgan!!" JJ yelled.
"We need to stay here with Angel. Everyone else has gone, there's nothing we can do"

Morgan continued walking but slowly turned around and going back to JJ and Angel.
Morgan stayed with Angel, while JJ went to get his mum. They were coming up the hall way, and his mum stopped and smiled. It was a happy smile but a hint of sadness.
"Uh, Angel hasn't been held in a really long time. Things- happened to him" JJ said with sadness clearly in her voice.
Angel's mother looked at JJ panicked, worried and with guilt. She understood what JJ meant.
Angel's mum ran up to Angel, Angel ran to her.
"Angel, my baby. I'm so sorry." She said in Spanish crying. Angel and his mum were crying with happiness that they finally got the see each other again in over 10 years.
JJ and Morgan stood together but backed off slightly. They looked at Angel and his mum and smiled. Knowing they made this happen, they found and helped Angel, and the other little boy that was taken.

JJ and Morgan were walking out the hospital when Angel ran up behind her calling her JJ. They both stopped and turned.
"I'm sorry." Angel apologised, then went back to his mum.
JJ stood there thinking he's sorry.... He didn't, oh. Come on JJ don't cry, don't cry. Morgan!! Please just think it's for something else!! JJ pleaded in her mind.

As everyone arrived back at the police station they collected there belongings and said goodbye to all the people working at the station.

- On the Plane -
Hotch sat near the window finishing his report, thinking how many more of these cases. How many more UnSubs, victims, witnesses. I don't get it.

Prentiss was also finishing her report the same for Rossi. Reid already finished his in 30 minutes into the flight, and was now sleeping.
Morgan took his headphones off and started to talk to JJ.
"JJ. I need to uh- urm. Who's Wal- Walt??" He said unsure of how the blonde was going to react.


I texted Will saying
* Were coming back now, we should be landing in 20 minutes. Can you keep Henry up?? Hard case today.... Love you lots Will!!❤️ XXXX * just after I sent it, I heard Morgan start to talk to me.
"JJ. I need to uh- urm. Who's Wal- Walt??" I felt my heart instantly start to beat faster and faster, I was uncomfortable, I was blinking rapidly. Come down JJ. Stop this. You're meant to be over this by now. You're Jennifer Jareau you don't know who this man named Walt is. You have nothing to do with him.
I ignored Morgan for a few seconds and Morgan called my name again. I knew I couldn't ignore him now. All I wanted was for this flight to be over and to be at home with Will and Henry.

"Yeah??" I said acting slightly confused.

"Who's Walt??" Morgan asked slightly worried and angry.

I felt Hotch, Prentiss and Rossi all start to stare at me. Will please just randomly call me. Someone call me or text me or something!!
"Walt??" I repeated with a a shaking tone.
Morgan stared at JJ, he could see the panic in her face and eyes.
Prentiss could see me as she was sitting on the table next to me.

"Jayje!!" Emily said really worried.

I just stared at Morgan why did he just do that??!! I would never, never in a million years do that!! I would pull him aside!! Okay JJ, calm down. What do I do?? What should I say?? HELP ME!!
As my heart was pounding faster, my hands started to become sweaty. I couldn't breathe properly, my chest was tightening. I felt like I was dying. I tried to stand up and Emily came rushing up next to me shouting Jayje. I couldn't respond I was having a panic attack.
Emily rushed me to the sofa and sat me down. She told me to put my head in between my knees. Hotch, Morgan, Rossi and Reid came rushing next to me and Emily. They knew not to over crowd someone having a panic attack. They kept telling me to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth.
I gradually caught my breath back and calmed down. As soon I calmed down we were landing back in Virginia. Once we got out the jet I basically ran to my car, so they couldn't ask any questions.

Morgan's POV

Should I ask JJ about Walt?? I thought. What if I ask her and it's something different and I got it completely wrong.
I left it for a bit but I felt like I had to ask.
I took my headphones off and started to talk to JJ.
"JJ. I need to uh- urm. Who's Wal- Walt??" I unsure of how the blonde was going to react to my question.

JJ stopped what she was doing, I saw the eyes blinking rapidly, she was anxious I shouldn't be profiling my colleagues Morgan.

JJ didn't answer me, she just blanked me. But I knew she heard what I said. I decided to call her again.

"Yeah??" JJ said.

I didn't answer for a second I didn't know how to ask the question.
"Who's Walt??" I said uneasy. I was worried and angry because if I heard right Walt was a bastard, a horrible nasty man, who hurt little innocent JJ.

I saw the rest of the team all turn around and stare at JJ, well besides Reid as he was asleep.

"Walt??" I  heard the nervousness in her voice.
I looked into her eyes and I could see the fear, pain and panic in her eyes.
JJ didn't answer again.
"Jayje!!" Emily said worrying like crazy about her best friend.
JJ was staring at me, she sort of had this evil, hatred, upset, pain look in her eyes. I instantly started to feel guilty and now wishing I never asked in front of everyone.
We all saw JJ starting to be struggling for air. Emily came rushing up to JJ. She was shouting Jayje. JJ didn't respond she was having a panic attack.

Before I could get up Emily was rushing for JJ to sit down. She put her head between her knees, which was slowly helping her be able to breath and calm down. Me, Emily, Hotch, Rossi and Reid were all around JJ trying to help her calm down.

JJ slowly caught her breath as we landed in Virginia. Before any of use could ask if she was okay she basically ran into her car and went....

Wow, I'm actually surprised I wrote all that!! That quiet a long chapter!!😂
Anyway I'll try and update again either today or tomorrow!!

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