The Younger Version Of Me.... Shelby

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We checked into our hotel room to get a little sleep and showered before we started work again, so we were fresh and ready to go. 

We all had our own room, I was next to Emily and Morgan. 

I quickly jumped into the shower. I got the shampoo and conditioner and started to wash my ahir, once that was done I got my body wash and started scrubbing my skin. I didn't realise how hard I was scrubbing my body until it started to go red and it started to bleed in places. I didn't care. I continued making my skin go red and bloody. After about an 20 minutes of the shower I just stopped.

 "Shelby!! How many times do I have to tell you. DO NOT SHOWER AFTER USING!!" Patty said in a panicky worried tone. I got out the shower and sat down with her.

I blinked and Patty was gone, I was still in the shower, I was jut standing there. Letting the boiling water go onto my shoulders and down my back. Eventually, I came out the shower. I looked into the mirror. 

Who am I?? What am I?? Why am I still here?? I thought. I stared at myself in the eyes, it scared me a little at first and then I changed. I changed into the younger version of me. Shelby. I stared at Shelby and she stared back. Knowing what she has done, what she was, who she has hurt.  continued staring to Shelby's eyes, and I saw him come behind me. 

"Kitten...." He said. I felt his hands all over me. 

I froze.


ARRGHHFDHGHFDHGDHJF a bit of a cliffhanger there!! Sorry!! I will probably update the next chapter either in an hour or tomorrow. I have also got the chapter after that ready as well. 

Sorry this chapter is really short. I was going to carry it on but I wanted to put a little cliffhanger in there!!

Hope this was okay. Ill try and update again later on today. 

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