Telling Emily

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She'll hate me forever, she'll think I'm a horrible, disgusting, slutty whore. He said I was, she will say I am. Morgan. Morgan, he's going to- they'll all going to hate me forever. I can't.
"Yeah you can, whatever it is.... I'm going to wait until your ready. You take all the time you need." Emily said.

I saw Emily's hand come from underneath the toilet door. I went and sat down on the floor and put my hand near hers, she knew I was there and quickly grabbed my hand. She was like Daisy.

"When- in- I urrr" I sighed.
Emily's grip on my hand tightened.

"Come on JJ" I whispered. "Em, if I- you promise not too. I promised. He promised."

"Jayje. Whatever it is I will still love you"

I looked down and stared at mine and Emily's hands. I knew she loved me now, but after I tell her I don't know.

"When I was 6, my- my parents got divorced. Not long after the divorce, my mother got re-married" I spat.
"He was alright at the beginning you know. I know this sounds like a cliché but I always imagined my dad coming to get me, so I could live with him in his magical castle." Me and Emily smiled.

"That's cute Jayje" Emily smiled.

"4 months after they got married, I gave up ballet, I stopped doing all the things I used to do. My mum and dad would always come to my dance recitals but then my step dad started coming and that, I didn't want him to. I decided to give up. I always wanted to go back, but then I didn't in a way."

I looked down at the floor and remembered when we were doing our solos and I got given my old ballet shoes.


"When I was 6 he would-" I choked on my tears. I had the biggest lump in my throat, my head was pounding I couldn't see a thing. Everything was just a blur.

"When would come into my room at night, and-"

Emily put her other hand underneath the door cupping my hand in both of hers. As she squeezed them tightly I heard her crying quietly. It made me cry more, I felt like she was already starting to hate me.

"And he would, do things. You know at first he would just come in and sit on my bed and read me stories and play with my hair. Then after a bit he would actually get into bed with me...." I felt sick to the bottom of my stomach.

It was 2am and I couldn't sleep. I knew he was going to come in soon. I try and try to go to sleep hoping it won't happen again. I slowly drift off into a faint sleep, and I woke up hearing my bedroom door opening quietly. I tensed up and froze.
"Kitten" he whispered as he moved my duvet back.
He climbed into bed, and knew what was going to happen.
He opened the book as began reading it too me as he played with my hair. He was hugging me, and kept kissing my head and cheeks. I was completed tensed. I knew I couldn't cry because then he would try and 'comfort' me and that would be a reason why he would stay in here all night.
There was a page left in the book. It was coming closer and closer to and end, and we knew what was about to begin.
"Come here Kitten, come on" he said lifting me up on him. "Pull them"
I had to take his boxers off.
The first tear escape from my eye.
He rolled me over and began.

I finished telling Emily. My heart was beating faster, and I was crying more and more.

"No, please Walt stop.... Wal- pleeeassee stop" I said with uncontrollable tears coming down my face.

"Jayje" Emily's grip on my hand tightened.

I quickly flinched away and begun rocking back and forth, I was this vulnerable little girl again.

"Jayje, it's okay. He can't hurt you anymore. Alright?? I won't let him. I love you. We love you. Please open up"

I sat there for a minute thinking how Em was going to look at me. I didn't want to open the door. But after a few moments of silence I leaned over to the lock and unlocked it. Emily slowly opened the door, when she saw me she began crying more. She came in and hugged me, trying to calm me down. I was shaking, I was pale, I felt like I was going to be sick.

"Shhhh. It's alright Jayje. It's okay" she kept repeating to me.

Okay so FINALLY the secret is out. But that's only a part of it....
I kindaa struggled writing this because I didn't want to much speech part but I didn't really know how to write it without it as she was telling Emily. But I tried!!

Hopefully I will update again either on Saturday or Sunday I will try my best too it just I have to do loads of stuff for school.

Favourite and/or comment guys because I really want feedback for this chapter but I'm not sure if I wrote it properly if you know what I mean??

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