Panic Attack

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Once again i'm sorry I haven't updated during the week, i've just been busy with school, coursework, and this drama project.

Ill probably be updating twice today or at least ill try too. I'm going to try and write a few chapters tonight and tomorrow so I have some written already.


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Hey Jess, you alright?? I'm in LA for a case I know it's your last day here today before you go back to work but do you want to meet for a coffee or something so we can catch up?? Love you Jess.... XXXX

After texting Jess I got into the car and drove to the cafe to get a coffee before meeting everyone at the police station.

"Kitten". I see Walt sitting next to me in the left seat watching me drive. I started to breathe heavily. What was he doing he?? What if the team sees him??

He placed his old, horrible cold hands on my thigh. I froze. He slowly started moving his hand up to the waistband of my black jeans. Walt moved across to the zipper on my jeans. I blinked and Walt was gone, I quickly stepped on the brake and just managed to break in time before going past the red light and getting hit by the car that was coming in the opposite direction.

My breathing once again quickened and my vision blurred from the tears forming in my eyes.

The light turned green and I had to continue driving to the police station. As I pulled up outside the station I see Emily walking towards her car. She looked over and saw me then walked over.

I looked down at my bandaged up hand and put my hands in my pocket as I got out the car.

"Jayje. I was about to come to your hotel room too see if you were coming." I saw Emily looking down at my hands in my pockets.

I quickly faked a cough to get her attention again.

"Sorry- I urr, I didn't hear my alarm go off. Sorry again" I said walking into the station with Emily.

We didn't talk for the rest of the way in.

Then my phone went off and I knew it was Jess. I would've been Will because the time difference, he would be asleep.

Emily just stopped and stared at me before saying "Jayje, are you going to get that??"

I continue walking, staring blankly into the police station.

"Okay...." I hear Emily sigh.

I went in the room with the rest of the team to get briefed fully again, as we didn't when we were in Quintic.

We all sat around the table in the room looking at the case files. I couldn't help but relate to how these victims were feeling. Myself and the victims where just young girls who had lost their way and become another statistic.

Hotch started the briefing.

"There have been 4 prostitutes murdered in LA. They all had drugs in there system." Hotch said. "Victim 1, Ann Jacks had £250 with her and victim 2 and 3 had £20 but had some cocaine with them and victim 4 had £146"

"Sasha and Sophie both only had £20 with them and drugs, and Ann had £250. So is it possible she.... Before she died??" Reid said embarrassed a little.

Hotch nodded, "Well we haven't got results back yet from the autopsy, but they should be finished within the hour. So when they're done Emily and Reid you too can go and get the results, okay"

They both nodded.

"They were all found down town LA. But in these pictures there doesn't seem to be much blood surrounding them considering they all had a letter carved in them.... This could just be the dump site, or this was all done after they died" Morgan said.

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