Chapter 5

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Thankyoou for the reviews and votes guys!!

This is going to be a short chapter as it going to be basically just a little part that needs to be added so I can make the next chapter work....

Sorry I was going to update yesterday but AJ posted the first picture of her and Phoenix ^^^^ so I forgot to update and finish writing this chapter.... Ill try and post two chapters today.

WARNING - This chapter uses a little bit of swearing, and just saying before I hate having to write what JJ/Shelby thinks of herself :(



My alarm went off at 9:15am, I knew I had to go into work to get the report done from the last case, as last night I did what I would normally do and runaway. But this time I ran away from the people I love.

I turned around expecting to see Will and Henry but they weren't there. That's when I heard Henry's little cute laugh, I couldn't help but smile. As I was walking down stairs I heard Henry and Will singing together. I also head a load of banging and crashing. Henry must be helping make breakfast again, I had to laugh a little. As I came down I saw Will and Henry covered in pancake mixture.

"Not again" I laughed.

Henry turned around with a massive smile and nodded. Will turned around after and replied "When Henry helps make breakfast"

Henry stared at Will and his jaw dropped. "Excuse me. You mixed that!!"

Me and Will bursted out laughing. We left the mess and sat down to have breakfast.
It was now 10am and I went to shower.

"Everyday in the shower I stand there and think what a waste, what a waste because i'm never going to get clean."  I started to scrub my skin really hard all over in an attempt to become clean. I was going red.

"Well at least she isn't a skank."

"I don't go for used cars."

I started to scrub my skin so hard I was bleeding, but it didn't make any difference I was still dirty. I was still a little skanky slutty whore, and I always will be. I just started to burst out into tears, I couldnt stop them from falling. Why did I let this happen??!! I stood there with blood going down the pug hole and tears streaming down my face.

I jumped when I heard someone knocking on the door.

"Jayje, hunny you've been in the shower for half an hour. You're going to be late."

I didnt reply I just thought do I actually want to go to work?? They'll be asking questions, I cant handle that, ill never be able to handle that. Ill never be able to tell them.

"Jayje" Will knocked again. "Are you okay in there??"

"Uh yeah sorry." I 'rushed' out the shower and got changed.

I got my keys and kissed Henry on his head.
"Goodbye mummy"

"Goodbye bud" I hugged him tightly and kissed him again.

I thought I would I'll take the longest route to work, I decided when I get to the BAU I'll go straight to my office, close the blinds and lock the door.

Not very good good but needed chapter this so I could continue.
I'll try and update again later on today!!😁

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