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I said I'll post two chapter today so here it is!!✌🏼️
I wrote this at 5am so sorry for any mistakes.


I arrived at the BAU and sat in my car for a bit. I started looking around to see if I could spot any of the team members cars, but to my luck they were all here....
I rushed out the car and into the life. When I reached Level 6 I practically sprinted for my office.
I locked the door and closed the blinds so people couldn't come on or see disgusting old me.
Once I sat down I could finally breath, well a little bit. I started to review the case file and write my report. But I could help but have all these memories came back.

"I spent all day talking to your mother Shel, trying to get an alternative to keep you here but I haven't got one. Not yet."
"Fine, whatever."
"If it was just about the tuition Shel I'm sure we could've come up with a solution. But when it boils down to it, your step father is bed ridden, your mothers weighting tables and your little sisters at school. So they want you to come home and help take care of things."
"Take care of things. Like uh emptying bedpans for the man that abused me. Cooking for the man that abused me. Cleaning for the man who-"

"Stay here Kitten, just for a little while."

"You've always been my special one. You've always been good at keeping secrets, our secrets."

I felt like I was going to throw up. I quickly reached for bin beside my desk, and emptied the contents from my stomach. I sat back up and wiped my face then realised I didn't have my coffee or water with me as I rushed into my office this morning. 

I started to write up the report and I heard someone knock on my door. 

"Jayje??" Garcia said. 

Should I leave her?? But its Pen. 

I got up from my seat and  unlocked the door. I rushed Garcia inside just so the others wouldn't see her come in. Garcia smelt the sick in my bin. 

"Kitten" She reached to hug me, i flinched a little. Thankfully she didn't notice. "You've been sick!! Ill get you some water." Garcia ran out my office into the conference room to get some water. 

Garcia's POV 

I knew the team didn't finish their report from the last case, so i went to see if they were all okay, especially as I didn't see them yesterday after the case. I went to JJ's office first as she was the closest. I knocked on her door but she didn't reply. "Jayje??" I asked.

I heard JJ unlock the door. I was slightly confused why she locked it, she never has before. When she opened the door she basically pulled me in. I went to sit down and then i smelt sick. 

"Kitten" I reached to hug JJ to see if she was okay, but she kind of flinched away, i guess it was because she was sick and wasn't feeling great. "You've been sick!! Ill get you some water." I quickly left her office and went into the conference room to get a drink for JJ.

"Morning Baby Girl" I couldn't help but smile. 

"Morning chocolate thunder." I picked up JJ's drink and Morgan ran up in front of me and stopped me from walking. 

"Hey hey hey" Morgan waved his hands in the arm. "What's up Baby Girl?? Every morning I say good morning Baby Girl and you say oh ill show you a good morning!!"

I tried to dodge Morgan to get back to JJ, but he still wouldn't let me past.

"Chocolate thunder, JJ's been sick, i need to give her her water!!" I speed walked around Morgan and he followed me walking to JJ's office. 

"Wait JJ's here??" 

I looked at him and nodded. Morgan just stared kind of confused.

"What she hasn't come to see you guys this morning??"

Morgan shook his head again. I didn't really know what to say. Maybe she didn't see them because she wasn't feeling well.


Again sorry for the short chapter the next few ones are most likely going to be longer!! 

Ill try and update another chapter today. 

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