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Okay now Garcia has gone I can call Jess to see how she is, considering I couldnt call her all week because of the case.

"Hey Jess!!"

"Shelby!!" I still feel sick whenever my sister calls me that. "How are you??!!"

"I'm okay, just feeling a bit under the weather. How are you??!!"

"Great!! Work at Horizon has been, well you know.... We went to dogs peak a few days again, this student Molly put her flag on top of the mountain" Jess smiled. "How's work been for you??"

"It's been alright, you know haha. We had this bad case yesterday. This boy named Angel was abducted when he was 6 and escaped, but he was in captivity for 10 years...."

We both sighed. "Well at least he is now finally home with his family." Jess said.

We continued talking about work and having a catch up.

"Shel you have to come back here one day!! The clifhangers could have a reunion!!"

I did an uncomfortable laugh, now not knowing what to say. "Yeah. Maybe...." I opened one of the draws in my desk and stared at the picture of me and Jess at Mont Horizon.

"Is Scott still working at Horizon then??" I asked.

"Yeah!! He asks me about you still. His never forgotten about you...."

My eyes started to water and I got a lump in my throat. "Uh Jess, i'm sorry ive got to go. Its work. Love you Jess. See you some time yeah??"

I hung up and placed my head in my hands, thinking back to the time at Horizon. Thinking of Peter and Sophie. "I miss you guys" I whispered quietly.

Morgan's POV

"Wait JJ's here??"

Garcia nodded and we looked at eachother slightly confused.

"What she hasnt come to see you guys this morning??"

I shook my head and we continued to walk to JJ's office. We stopped outside when we heard JJ talking to someone on the phone. We heard JJ sigh and then laughed. Being like a brother to JJ she had this certain laugh when she was uncomfortable, and thats what she did.

"Yeah. Maybe..." JJ sounded a little sad. "Is Scott still working at Horizon then??"

Me and Garcia stared at eachother both having no idea who this Scott person is, or what this Horizon place is.

"Shall I??" Garcia whispered.

"Yeah but don't tell anyone. When you find out who and what it is send me a file." I whispered again.

JJ's eyes started to water and she got a lump in her throat. "Uh Jess, i'm sorry ive got to go. Its work. Love you Jess. See you some time yeah??"

Me and Garcia looked at eachother Garcia. "Jess??" Garcia asked. I shook my hand saying signalling I dont know.

"Ill see this Jess person as well??"

I nodded saying yes.

"I miss you guys" We heard JJ say.

After a minute we went into JJ's office.

As I walked in, JJ sighed a little. Garcia handed her the water as drank it quickly.

"I didn't know you were here JJ...." I said

JJ just looked at me and did this little smile but it was an annoyed smile.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated I have writers block and I have no idea what to write right now. I keep coming on but I know what I want to happen in but I just can't join them together!!😒😔
I'll try and update as soon as I can hopefully a new chapter should be up by next week.

Also guys check out JotchMinds fanfic, I'm the co-owner and I've just wrote a half a chapter!! It would mean a lot if you could comment and vote??!!

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