Chapter Five

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[Youngest to Oldest pov, not edited.]

*Levy's pov*

"For the last fucking time, I'm not hungry!" I yelled, pushing Evynder away.

He growled and grabbed my wrist harshly, dragging me to the kitchen. "It's been a god damn week since you've eaten an actual meal, Levy. You've gotten sickly thin, for fuck sakes."

"Does it look like I give a shit?" I snapped back, yanking my wrist away from his grip.

"No, but you look like shit." I heard one of my brothers mumble out. I pulled my gaze away from Evynder and glared at everyone at the table.

I stomped my foot and turned around, a little too quick as my head spun, causing me to lose my balance. I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me up quickly as I heard chairs being pulled from the table and gasps.

"Do you see why we're asking you to eat?" Evynder spoke softly this time, lifting my chin up so I can look into his worried blue eyes.

I looked away. "I. Don't. Care." With that, I pushed him away from me and sped walked to my bedroom, slamming my door shut.

I curled up under my covers, wrapping my arms around Wynter's pillow. It still faintly smelt of him which put a small smile onto my lips as my eyes started to water up.

"Oh Wynter.." I mumbled into his pillow, letting my eyes close.

A knock on my door made me jump up slightly but nonetheless I chose to ignore it. "Levy.."

I shook my head even though he wasn't able to see it and hugged the pillow closer to me.

Not a second later, the door opened and footsteps were being heard on my floor. "You need to eat, love." Lykel sat himself on my bed, pulling the thick cover off of me.


He sighed, putting his hand on my shoulder which I quickly shook off. "Please."

"I said no!" I jumped out of bed and ran towards my bathroom. I wasn't able to get too far before he ran after me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"DON'T TOUCH ME, LET ME GO!" I yelled out, thrashing around. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!"

"Calm down, Levy." He whispered, trying to control my limbs that were flying everywhere.

I elbowed, kicked and thrashed around, attempting to escape his grasp. "GET AWAY FROM ME! I DON'T FUCKING NEED YOU!"

"Lev-" He groaned out in pain when I was able to knee him in the balls, allowing me to run to the bathroom.

I yelped out when my ankle was grabbed and I was pulled to the floor, being trapped under Lykel's body as he hovered over me.

"Let me go." I whimpered out, his hands pinning my arms against the floor. From the door, I could feel the eyes of my brothers watching. I didn't feel embarrassed or anything along the lines of that but I did feel surrounded, trapped.

Lykel whispered sweet nothings into my ear as my struggling slowed down while I cried against his chest, wishing everything could go back to the way they used to be.

I felt my the world dissapear around me as everything slowly fell silent and letting it all fade to black. The last words I heard from Lykel before falling into my temporary peace was-

"You're going to be okay."

*Evynder's pov* (A/N: I realized last minute that this was supposed to be Cameryn's pov, not Evynder's. Cameryn {Younger} IS younger THAN Evynder {Older}. Their pov's are just reversed. Oops.)

Broken boy.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora