Chapter Nine. *Part one.*

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[Not Edited.]

*Levy's pov.*


Those are the only words I can use to describe myself at the moment.

Numbness, I feel nothing.

Emptiness, I feel like there's something missing.

Loneliness, I feel alone. No matter how many people surround me, I feel alone.

Tiredness, I can't sleep. I've fallen to the stage of insomnia.

I knew that Wynter meant a lot to me but I didn't know that he meant so much. I never knew how much his missing presence would affect me. He's completely and utterly a piece to my puzzle and without him, I'm incomplete.

But I can't also help but wonder at each moment of every day, how he's doing. Is this affecting him more than its affecting me? How's my father treating him? Is he happy?

Though, no matter how much I think, my questions will always go unanswered.


I'm currently sitting at the kitchen table, observing my older brothers as they silently chit chat over a home cooked meal made by Evynder. I have no idea what they're talking about since I have little to no interest or the energy to converse with those around me.

At times I can feel them staring at me, making sure that I was fine, making sure that I was eating. But of course I wasn't. I'm not hungry, I have no appetite.

The afternoon sun glared at us from the balcony window, blinding me from across the room every time I glanced up to look outside. There was nothing special to see. All there was were trees with vibrant leaves, alive and dancing with the wind. Flowers that sprinkled the tall uncut grass and an in ground swimming pool.

"You haven't touched anything on your plate yet." I averted my gaze to the speaker, my eyes connecting with Zyndane's.

I couldn't help but let out a laugh. It was cold, empty. "Since when do I ever?"

That kept him quiet. He bit the bottom of his lip and looked away, his blue eyes moving over to Lykel who shook his head, a sigh leaving his lips.

I leaned back against my chair as I felt my head begin to throb, again. It's been happening a lot more lately. I always seem to be getting sick. My body lacked nutrients so I was weak all the time and my immune system was low.

The room felt hot, it was beyond humid and I can already begin to feel myself sweat but I was slightly shivering. My stomach was hurting and I can feel myself start to get nauseous. Slowly, I felt the bile rise up to my throat but before I was able to get up and rush to the bathroom, I leaned over and threw up all over the floor.

"Shit." Chairs scooted back against the floor, feet scattering around. My throat burned and my mouth tasted disgusting, the smell of stomach acid filling the room.

Another crash of nausea had me throwing up again, making my head spin in circles and throb even harder.

Blayse kneeled beside me, his hand reaching up to rub my back. "I'm going to pick you up, okay?" I quickly nodded, just wanting to hurry up and lay down already.

In seconds I was scooped up into his semi muscular arms and rushed into the bathroom where he sat me down inside of the tub. His hands reached out to remove my clothes but I slapped his hands away.

"Don't." My voice sounded weak, to the point it almost hurt to hear.

He sighed, his eyes filled with worry. "Le-"

"No. Get out, I'll do it myself." I couldn't help but feel a little guilty as he winced at my words, hurt flashing across his handsome features.

I didn't like anyone seeing my body. I was thin, too thin. My bones showed immensely and it was slightly embarrassing. I was a disgrace.

"Fine." He left without a second glance. Once the door closed, I let the tears fall.

I'm hurting them. I'm acting like a spoiled brat but I just can't help it. I'm emotionally unstable and I can't fix myself. There's nothing they can do to fix me. I'm broken.

I leaned back against the wall and cried. My chest was in pain, hell, my entire body was in pain. I silently cried my heart out, not realizing that I'd fall asleep doing so.

*Evynder's pov.*

I glanced up at the clock that was hung up on the wall, my finger tapping on the table as I watched the second hand move every second.

Tik tok, tik tok, tik tok..

I quickly stood up, my patience gone. "He's been in there for a while, I'm going to go check up on him."

"I'll go with you." Zyndane made his way next to me and followed me to the bathroom. My heart was beating at a fast rate and my stomach was heavy with butterflies. I don't know why I was so nervous as to why he was taking forever in there but I was.

The second we approached the door, I knocked. "Levy?"


I knocked again. "Levy, open the door or at least say something."


"Hurry up and open he door!" Zyndane's voice was laced with worry as he nibbled on his finger nervously.

In seconds the door was open and I breath out a sigh of relief when I saw Levy sleeping inside of the bath tub.

"Oh dear god, he's alright. This boy is going to give me a heart attack one day." My older sibling leaned against the sink as I approached Levy's sleeping form.

I reached over and took off the fragile boys shirt, my eyes scanning over his prominent ribs that poked out and his sunken in stomach. My heart ached at the sight but I kept concentrated and lifted him up in my arms. He was light as a feather and it worries me even more but my thoughts were interrupted when I saw everyone inside of his bedroom.

Camera stood up. "Is he okay?" His eyes lingered over Levy's chest, looking at his extremely thin body.

"He's fine. He just fell asleep." Those who were sitting on his bed got up and moved away, allowing me to lay his fragile self on the bed and under the covers.

I followed soon after, hugging his body close to mine and kissed the top of his head.

"I'm going to stay here with him until he wakes up, I want to keep my eyes on him and make sure he's okay."

Most of my brothers left, leaving Lykel to stand in the middle of the room alone, his eyes lunge ring over Levy before looking over at me with a small smile. He approached me and leaned down, capturing my lips with his. His tongue evaded my mouth, his hand trailing down to my thigh.

I felt my tights slowly tightened but before I can get a full on erection, he pulled away.

"Call any of us if you need something, love." I nodded, biting my lip.

The sexual tension was high, it was strong and I was extremely needy. We all haven't really been touching each other and just thinking of being deep inside of Levy's hole and my mouth around Lykel's prick, excited me, making me painfully hard.

It was almost as if my brother knew what I was thinking, his eyes glazing over with lust and a noticeable latge buldge, begging to be pulled out and played with. "Get us when he wakes up." With that, he rushed out.

I think we all need some sort of relief.
*************************************A/N: Short-ish chapter because the next one is a sex scene, yaasss. It should be up soon, I would say by Tuesday latest. Please vote and comment, thank you! <3

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