Chapter Six.

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*Not Edited.*

Pic of Jude.

*Wynter's pov*

I jumped up, startled from the noise coming from my phone. Slightly dazed, I pulled it out from under my pillow and shut the alarm off. Groaning, I buried my face into my pillow and enjoyed the welcoming feel of sleep coming back to me.

Just as I was back into my sweet paradise, my father's voices turned it into s nightmare. "You better be out of bed or I swear I'll come up there!"

In 0.2 seconds, my feet were on the cold wooden floor and my hands flew to start making up my bed.  "I'm awake!" I yelled back to my father, puffing up my pillow.

I sighed a breath of relief when I didn't hear his footsteps coming up. Thank freaking goodness.

I'm not excited for today.. How could my father do this to me? I'm not ready for a fiancé, not ready for marriage. I can't leave Seth!

Speaking of Seth..

I grabbed my phone and sent him a quick text. "Hi! :3'"

Sighing, I dragged myself to my bathroom and jumped into the shower.


An hour later and I was dressed and ready to go. Jude was going to be here any minute and all I wanted to do was jump out of my window and run. Run far away, and never look back. Except I would drag Sethy with me.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I made sure that I looked somewhat decent. My white hair was ruffled on top of my head since I did nothing with it but run my hands through it. I wore a plain navy blue shirt with skinny light washed jeans and a bunch of bracelets.

My phone beeped and I looked down at my boyfriends text.

"If that fucker tries anything on you, you let me know. Do I make myself clear?" I found myself nodding as I quickly replied to him.

My door swung open causing me to jump up as my heart picked up. Father stood at the doorframe with his arms crossed and chest out. His blue eyes were glaring at me harshly as he snarled.

"He should be here any minute. Don't fuck this up or I swear to God, Wynter, I will-"

Ding dong.

Saved by the bell, literally, kind of. Ugh. I rushed passed my father who gripped onto my wrist before I was able to make it down the stairs. "Don't fuck up and make us look bad. You've done enough as it is."

Does he always have to be so mean to me? Of course, my heart squeezed painfully at his words and I wanted to burst into tears, but I held back and rushed down to the front door once he let go.

I took a deep breath and opened the door.

I'm not going to lie, he was absolutely..stunning. One hundred percent model worthy. His sharp, ocean coloured eyes pierced into my own as we stared at each other, letting our eyes roam each other's body, looks, outfit.

He was pretty built, looked like maybe he enjoyed swimming or something. The brunet wore a grey v neck with a pair of baby blue skinny jeans.

"Hey." His voice was smooth and deep with a light rasp.

Shaking my head mentally, I took a deep breath. Think Seth, think Seth.

Much better.

I just nodded and followed him out the door, walking over to his car. Feeling someone watching me, I glanced back at the house and saw my father looking at me with an intense glare. He stood behind the window with his arms crossed, his lips curled up in disgust.

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