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Because I've accidentally published Chapter Six..twice..Here's a teaser. Enjoy. <3

It's a really small teaser.

Okay, that's it.



Pic of Jude.

*Wynter's pov*

I jumped up, startled from the noise coming from my phone. Slightly dazed, I pulled it out from under my pillow and shut the alarm off. Groaning, I buried my face into my pillow and enjoyed the welcoming feel of sleep coming back to me.

Just as I was back into my sweet paradise, my father's voices turned it into a nightmare. "You better be out of bed or I swear I'll come up there!"

In 0.2 seconds, my feet were on the cold wooden floor and my hands flew to start making up my bed.  "I'm awake!" I yelled back to my father, puffing up my pillow.

I sighed a breath of relief when I didn't hear his footsteps coming up. Thank freaking goodness.

I'm not excited for today.. How could my father do this to me? I'm not ready for a fiancé, not ready for marriage. I can't leave Seth!
A/N: The full chapter should be up by tomorrow OR maybe tonight. Sorry for the lack of updates for this story as well as my others. A lot has been going on and I just haven't had the time. I promise I'll try harder. <3

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