Where Am I?

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   When I woke up, I was on a bed and the area I was in was curtained off. I was still in my school uniform (thank goodness), but I had to find out where I was, but then I heard 2 people talking in hushed tones. 'She's not a normal half-blood.' I recognized the voice of the boy who took me on a pegasus ride. 'What kind of half blood is normal?!' said an unfamiliar voice, it sounded male though. 'Look, as soon as we flew over Thalia's tree, this highlight in her hair just appeared out of thin air! Is that weird enough for ya?!' I got confused when I heard that, I'd never put any unnatural colors in my hair. 'Let's go check on her.' said the other voice. I heard footsteps and the boy and another boy were standing over me. I didn't dare pretend to be asleep I met them with open eyes. The other boy had chocolate brown eyes hidden behind shaggy dark hair. He was wearing a black T-shirt, a black leather jacket, black jeans and black military boots. When they met my eyes they both looked like they'd seen a ghost. 'What? What is it?!' I demanded. The boys still couldn't seem to find their voices. 'What is it?!' I demanded again. The boy with the green eyes handed me a mirror with trembling hands. I looked into it and I almost died.

  The scariest part was my eyes. Oh my beautiful eyes that used to be a luscious brown were the same sea green as the boy with the pegasus. And there really was a highlight in my hair and it was purple. It was all I could do not to cry. Then I felt a searing pain near my belly button. There was a sound like a twig snapping and I doubled over like I was punched. Then I curled into the fetal position clutching my stomach. The boys standing over me tried to help me straighten my body again but the pain was just too intense, then it finally started to subside. 

   I laid back down and my forehead was beaded with sweat. 'Okay, we're gonna have to check out your stomach.' said the boy in black. 'Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!' I protested, 'I don't even now you two, I'm not letting you see my stomach!' 'Well that's true. My name's Percy Jackson, I'm the son of Poseidon.' said the boy with the sea green eyes. 'And I'm  Nico Di Angelo.' said the boy in black. My expression because puzzled 'Nico the angel?'. An approving smile played across his lips, 'You speak Italian?' he asked then said to Percy, 'I like this one. Speaking of names, what's yours?', he asked me. 'Oh right', I said, 'I'm Julie...Anderson.' 'Well now that we know names we need to check your stomach.' We had an intense stare-off but eventually Percy won. 'Fine.' I said lifting my shirt. 'Nice six pack.' said Nico. 'Dang you're rock solid.' said Percy. Did they sound jealous? 'Oh, my gods.' Percy said. 'You have a sister.' said Nico in shock.

Poseidon Is My Daddy (Book #1 of the Daughters of Olympus Series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora