I Meet The Wine Dude And A Centaur

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   When I got inside my cabin, Percy was there waiting for me. 'I thought you had stuff to do.' I said playfully. 'I did.' he said smiling. Then his smile melted. 'What is it?' I asked. 'Your highlight,' he said, 'It's pink now. It was purple earlier.' 'What?!' I screamed, suddenly scared. 'It just changed again! It's purple now!' he said. I found the nearest mirror and stared in horror. Then I came up with a theory, 'Maybe it's linked to my emotions! What color was is the first time you saw it?' 'Like pale blue. Maybe because you were asleep-' he said. 'And most people are calm when they're asleep! So it's pale blue for calm. It was purple when I was scared so purple means fear.'  I said. 'And it was pink when you came in and pink usually has something to do with love so-' Percy stopped suddenly. 'What?' I asked. 'Ooooohhhh! You like somebody!' Percy teased. I looked down at my boots as my cheeks grew warm. I felt my highlight turned orange. Embarrassment. 'Yeah you do! Come on spit it out! Who is it?' Percy teased. 'Fine,' I said,' But you can't tell anyone until I say so!' 'Okay,' Percy said. 'I promise on the River Styx.' Thunder rolled outside. 'I like Nico.' I admitted. 

   Percy said nothing, he just stared at me like Bruh. 'That's  it, you're just gonna stare at me?' I said. 'No. You can change into these. Then we need to get you to the Big House. Mr. D and Chiron need to know you're here.' Percy said. 'Mr. D?' I asked. 'The wine dude. Dionysus.' Percy responded. He threw me a pair of jeans and an orange t-shirt that read 'Camp Half-Blood' and depicted a pegasus. The shirt was a little too big so I knotted it at my hip. I went outside and Percy was waiting at the door. 'Okay. Let's go see the wine dude.'

   The big house was a 2 two story house with a baby blue paint job and  white trim. The front porch had wind chimes that would turn into dyrads as they spun. The house was topped with a bronze wind vane shaped like an eagle. Percy led me inside. We walked into a room like an office and even though, I'd seen a gryphon and a pegasus in the same day, seeing a centaur in the flesh almost made my brain explode. 'Chiron,' said Percy to the centaur,'She's here.' Chiron turned around to look at me. But his equine body made his head brush the ceiling. 'Ah. So this is her.' said Chiron thoughtfully. His bottom half was a white palomino. My mouth must have been hanging open because Percy had to reach over and close it. 'I should probably retract into my wheelchair.' said Chiron smiling as he stepped back. He put his back legs into a box that should have been way too small to hold his horse half, but he continued to retract until he looked like a regular mortal in a wheelchair. A fake set of human legs popped out and a blanket lay across his lap. 

     'H-how is that even possible?' I stammered. 'Magic.' was Chiron's brilliant answer. 'So, what happened?' Chiron asked. 'I was in school this morning and- wait, what time is it?' I asked Percy. He glanced at a clock on the wall, 'About 10:30.' he answered casually. 'What?! I've only been here 2 hours?! Wow!' I exclaimed. 'Anyway, so I was in biology class trying to plan out a project with my awful lab partner when the gryphon just broke through the window and it was staring right at me. I didn't move at all. Then Percy broke through another window and attacked the gryphon. He killed it and took me outside then we rode Blackjack here and I woke in the infirmary. Then I heard him and Nico talking about me not being normal and I saw my hair and my eyes and I started crying and Nico gave me a tour of camp and then I changed and came here.' Chiron pondered this. 'Are we just gonna stare at this girl all day or is someone gonna say something' said a new voice. 'Julie, meet Mr. D.' Percy said unenthusiastically after face palming. 

   'So you're the wine dude?' I said just to annoy him.Percy was trying not to laugh in the corner. 'Ugh. I am not the wine dude! I am Dionysus! God of wine!' he said dramatically. 'Good for you.' I muttered. Mr. D was  getting edgy, I was pushing it. I decided to back off. 'Okay so is there anything else I need to do or is it okay for me to go?' 'Yeah, yeah. Get out.' spat Mr. D. shooing me away. Chiron simply nodded. 'Percy get Nico to take her to pick a weapon and then get her into training.' 

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