The Battle: Part 2

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   I lay in the grass on the hill and I could feel my life force slipping away. Chiron told me that Crocae Mors had enough magic to kill 20 men with 1 blow. What were you thinking?  said the human part of my brain. I was about to give up, but then thoughts of Nico and Percy and all my friends dominated my mind. I couldn't let them down, I couldn't. Get up Julie, they're counting on you. I picked myself up off the ground and Octavian was totally astonished. 'What? How? You're suppose to be DEAD!' he whined like a child. 'And so are you.' I growled. I had renewed strength and I fought like my life depended on it, which it did. All I remember was blue lights flashing with every strike I made. Soon Octavian's neck was at the edge of my glowing axe blade. 'This is for my mother!' I swung with all my might and I ended up staring at where Octavian's head used to be. I seemed to have a talent for beheading things. Octavian's head lay at my feet in the grass. As of Octavian's lackeys and monsters retreated now that their master was dead. Then I started to shrink, as soon as I hit my usual 5' 9", I passed out. 

    When I woke up, I was in the infirmary in a camp t-shirt and jeans shorts. I thought the war was a dream for a second, but the I felt the bandages over my collarbones and remembered how Octavian had cut me. Nico came into my stall just as I was starting to sit up. 'This is a familiar sight.' he mused. 'Well it was a little less painful when I woke up.' I said. I scooted over to make  some room for him and he laid down beside me and took my hand in his. 'What happened before I blacked out?' I asked him. 'When you chopped of Octavian's head, which was pretty gruesome, all his lackeys and monsters retreated. Cowards, but you ended the fight.' I felt pretty satisfied with myself, but then I remembered that my mother's funeral would probably be in a few weeks time. I decided that I wouldn't go. If my extended family was there, I wouldn't even know them, only Aunt Carla. 'The camp's having a party to celebrate winning. It'll be tomorrow at the beach, all day.' A party sounded great. 'Will they have hot cheetos?' I asked. 'Yeah. I love that spicy stuff.' 'Same.' 

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