The Roman Train Wreck

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   So we bought tickets for a one way to Chicago. We got pretty good seats next to a window and I was staring out for the ride.When we were passing through South Bend, Indiana, I saw a shadow shaped like an eagle pass over the ground. A tourist said, 'Eagle!' Another one said, 'Big eagle.' Jason and Nico came to the window to see. 'Those are eagles alright.' said Nico. 'Not the kinds we were hoping for.' muttered Jason. 'Oh. No.' I uttered. As soon as I said that, the glass shattered and a golden arrow sprouted in my calf. 'Julie!' shouted Nico. I howled in pain. But instead of cowering, I pulled it out and took out my axe. And THAT is when my highlight turned red. No way were these Romans getting that sword. Jason and Nico were next to me in a second. 'Are you alright?' asked Jason. 'Nope. My leg burns like fire, but it's all in the line of duty right? I'll be fine though.' There was chaos around us; tourists screaming and running around and the train was stopped. Three giant eagles were circling the train overhead. One of them landed about 15 feet in front of us and a boy that looked like a weaker version of Jason. He was skinnier and way paler. 'Octavian.' snarled Nico and Jason. 'My Greek acquaintances. We meet again.' he said smiling wickedly . 'We're not your Greek anything!' I spat, 'Get off the eagle! And did you really find it necessary to shoot me?' He slid to the ground and started walking towards us brandishing a spear.

     'You see Julie,' started Octavian. I almost dropped my axe. How did this creep know my name? 'I had to get you out of the picture. I know your the only known half- blood daughter of Poseidon around and that simply won't do.' He was about 5 feet away now. I kept my axe ready, but my leg was really burning now. I am so gonna get him back for that arrow. Octavian stopped walking when he was really up in my face. So close, I could smell his stale breath and his spear tip was hovering near my eye. I decided it would be safe not to say anything. 'I am getting that sword and nothing, not a silly little Greek girl, is going to get in my way.' 'Have you learned nothing man?' shouted Nico, 'You're supposed to be dead!' 'Yeah,' said Jason, 'Didn't we beat you already? Give up!'  'FOOLS!' yelled Octavian, 'After that little charade you pulled with the onager, I was an outcast! No comrades! Everyone thought I was dead! WhenI returned to the legion, after 10 WEEKS, they almost didn't let me back in!' 'Yeah, 'cause they're not stupid.' muttered Nico. 'But now,' said Octavian, 'Now I have a chance at revenge! With Harpe, I will wipe out your entire little Greek camp!' 

    'Never!' shouted Jason as he punched Octavian in the gut. Octavian hunched over and I took the chance to kick him in the head. Which really hurt thanks to my calf. I took Octavian's spear and Nico held him at sword point. 'Listen to me,' he ordered, 'You're going to stay out of our way and leave that sword right where it is.' 'Never!' spat Octavian. Faster than he should have been able to go, Octavian got back on his eagle and left. 'Oh no you don't!' yelled Jason. He started riding the winds to catch up to Octavian. But then there was an exploding arrow in the dirt in front of us. I knew because the flight of the arrow was blinking with a red light. 'RUN!' I yelled. But my shot calf really slowed me down. I was seeing red, the arrow blew up, I was launched like 10 feet to the left, Nico was thrown 6 feet to the right and Jason was thrown off balance in midair and fell to the ground. I passed out right there.

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