I Get A Really Cool Lipstick And A Magic Helmet

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    A few minutes later, Nico and I were standing front of a garden shed but when we stepped inside there were definitely not gardening tools in there. All the walls were lined with weapons. Swords, shields, swords, daggers, even guns. Nico seemed to be scanning to be scanning the walls for something specific. Then his eyes stopped on a horrifying, extremely intimidating... lipstick. It was nothing special, just a plain ol' red lipstick in an aluminium tube. He picked it up and held it towards me. 'Try this one.' he suggested. 'You want me to defend myself with a lipstick?' I asked. 'Just trust me.' he pressed. I took it from him and opened it... nothing. 'Twist the bottom', he suggested. I did and with a SHINK! I was wielding a bronze battle axe. It felt perfectly balanced in my hand. 'It's perfect!' I  said. 'Great; and you can never lose it either. It'll always return to your pocket like Percy's sword, 'Riptide'', said Nico, 'You can try it out in training.' 'When?' I asked. 'Right after we get you fitted in armor.' he answered. He took my hand and we sprinted to the camp forges.

   What do you get when you mix an RV and a Greek pavilion? You get the camp forges. I mean, seriously, it was like a bronze RV crashed into the pavilion and decided to fuse with it. Nico and I walked up to a scrawny kid. He was like a Santa's elf, but a Latino at the same time. He had a mischievous grin that I found kind of unnerving like This kid  is gonna fill your pillow case with whipped cream. 'Hey Leo' said Nico. 'Wassup Death Breath?!' answered Leo. Nico gave Leo a look like Really dude? In front of a girl? . I started cracking up. My axe almost sliced Leo's face. 'Woah! Watch the axe!' Leo warned. 'Sorry,' I turned to Nico, 'How do I even put this thing away?' 'Twist the grip.' he said. I twisted it and my axe shrunk back into a lipstick. 'That is so cool! But what if I do that by accident while I'm in combat?' 'It'll only retract when you want it to.' Nico assured me. 'Great.' I said, smiling at him. He smiled back at me. We were just standing there smiling and looking at each other when I caught Leo, out of the corner of my eye, drawing a heart around us with his fingers. 'Leo!' I shouted, playfully shoving him. Leo was cracking up. Apparently, his laugh was infectious, because in a few seconds, Nico and I were laughing too. 

   When we all caught our breath, I was like 'Okay, on a serious note, I need to get fitted into a suit of armor.' 'Ah,' Leo said with his index finger up, 'Lucky for you, I have just finished crafting a helm of invisibility!' My eyes lit up and I gasped, 'Really? Have you tested it yet? Can I try it out?' 'Yes, no and sure. I need a guinea pig.' I rolled my eyes playfully. He reached below a workbench and handed me a silver helmet with a blue war plume. 'The war plume changes color to your will.' Leo pointed out. 'Cool.' I said. I donned the helmet and for a disappointing moment, nothing happened. Then my body disappeared. 'Awesome!' said Nico and I at the same time. 'Why thank you,' said Leo, but I was busy running around messing with them tickling them, tugging on their hair I even considered pantsing them but then I was like Nah I'm good. Nico tried to chase me but it's pretty hard to catch what you can't see.  I finally took of the helm and gave it back to Leo. 'Thanks,' I said. 'Keep it,' he said giving it back to me. 'Oh my gosh Leo! Thank you!' I gasped. 'No problem. Your helmet can also be worn as a regular helmet. You just have to will it to make you visible.', he said, 'Now let's get you into your armor.' That morning I left the forges with a magic helmet, a full suit of armor, and my axe strapped to my thigh (in lipstick form of course). 

    Nico took me to his cabin and I waited outside for him to get into his armor and we walked to training together. When we got to the arena, a blonde girl was fighting two other guys and they were taking a beating. The girl had a bronze dagger in her right hand and she was using it pretty dang well. She ended the battle by kicking one guy in the chest and sending him sprawling, then she judo flipped the other guy over her shoulder. She planted a foot on his chest as she sucker punched the other guy who was trying to sneak up on her. He crumpled on the grass and the girl looked up and asked 'Who's next?' Nico and I raised our hands. I don't know why because I was scared as heck. I would never see blondes the same way again. 

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