I Get A Quest

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During free time, I was going back to my cabin to take a nap, but a nice blonde guy named Jason (son of Zeus) stopped me and told me that Chiron needed to see me right away. I went to the Big House and Chiron was waiting for me. 'Have a seat.' he said. 'Am I in trouble?' I asked. 'No, no,' he said, 'But everyone else may be. You see we have a little Roman friend named Octavian and he's after a Greek relic that could tip the balance of the world forever. He's taking a team of 2 Roman soldiers in the legion to get the sword of Perseus. Harpe. And only a daughter of Poseidon can stop him.' I sat there dumbfounded. 'Are you serious?' I asked. He nodded gravely. 'We will announce this at the campfire tonight and you can pick your companions then. I know this is a lot to take in, but you'll be able to handle it.' I left and went to my cabin until dinner. I was a bit shaken up. After I sacrificed a pizza slice to Poseidon and sat down, Percy studied me. I wasn't talking much. 'Hey, Julie. Are you okay?' I gave a small nod. He didn't ask anymore questions, but I could tell he didn't believe me.

At the campfire, I sat next to Percy. Nico was to our left alone and Jason was to our right, also alone. They didn't have any siblings at camp. I felt kinda bad for them. The Apollo kids led a sing along. I participated, but my heart wasn't really in it. After the sing- along, Chiron stomped his hoof 3 times to get everyone's attention. Once everyone was quiet, Chiron announced, 'A quest as been issued today.' Everyone started whispering. 'I wonder who it is.' 'Who are they gonna take with them?' When everyone settled again, Chiron continued, 'Julie Anderson, come forward.' I stood next to Chiron. 'WHAT?!' Alani shouted, 'HER?! The NEW girl?! I have WAY more beads than she does! Oh wait, she doesn't HAVE any!' 'Shut up flat face! Or I'll beat you up again!' Everyone laughed. That's when I noticed the leather necklaces around everyone's necks. Some had 2 beads, some had 5, some had 1. When everyone settled down, Chiron continued. 'Octavian is after Harpe, the sword of of Perseus. He is-' Nico stood up and shouted, 'But Octavian is supposed to be DEAD! He died in the war with Gaea! I was there!' I didn't know that. Great, I'm chasing a living skeleton. Chiron gave Nico a look that said, Sit down boy. Nico sat down looked just as shaken up as I felt. 'As I was saying,' said Chiron, 'Octavian is taking 2 Roman soldiers with him and only a daughter of Poseidon can stop him. Julie, you may pick two companions.' My eyes immediately landed on Nico. I gave him a look that said, I pick you and he stood up. Then I turned to Jason and gave him the same look and he stood up too. Then I turned to Chiron and nodded. Percy shot to his feet, 'Wait, you're taking them and not me?' he walked up to me and leaned in close, 'Explain. Please.' I sighed. 'Percy, I think it would be best if I had a child of the each of the Big Three with me in case we run into some real trouble. I'm Poseidon, Nico is Hades and Jason is Zeus. It'll be fine, I had to take logical approach to this.' His intense sea green eyes bore into me like a drill bit, but I stared back with the coldest look in my sea green eyes. Looking into his eyes is a challenge, looking away is a sign of submission. It's my choice. He finally looked away. 'Fine.' he muttered. We all went back to our cabins and went to bed.

Poseidon Is My Daddy (Book #1 of the Daughters of Olympus Series)Where stories live. Discover now