War Training

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    Awesome. That's the only word I could think of to describe my training. Nico taught me how to re- animate skeletons and shadow travel. Hazel was right; my powers stretched to the Roman side and she taught me how to use Pluto's power of controlling things under the earth. I changed into a lion, a snake and a horse with Frank, used charmspeak with Piper, controlled light with Will, set fire with Leo, controlled air with Jason, did strategy training with Annabeth and controlled the lake with Percy. I was totally exhausted by the end of the day and Chiron had us stay in the Big House again and Reyna, Frank, Hazel and Piper joined us. Will let me take some ambrosia for the bruises that I'd totally forgotten about and I slept well that night. I dreamt.

   In my dream, Octavian and his lackeys were sparring with each other. Octavian wasn't using Crocea Mors, just the standard-issue gold sword. Octavian was quick, but Lackey Number 1 was quicker and he beat Octavian with a viper beheading technique. Octavian threw a temper tantrum. 'I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY WE'RE TRAINING! I WON'T NEED TO USE ALL THE TECHNIQUES WHEN I BATTLE, OR SHOULD I SAY OBLITERATE THOSE GREEKS!!' He paused for a minute. 'GRAB YOUR SPEARS!' Then I woke up.                                                                                                                                                               

    For the next week, we were training like crazy. Skeletons, jewels, shapeshifting, charmspeak, light, fire, air, strategy, water, sleep, repeat. I noticed that the selections for dinner in the Big House were different than they were before. There was more fruit, more cheese, less beef and more chicken. I asked Percy bout it and he said that it was the camp's "Battle Diet". We have to be as healthy as possible. Also, that night, when every one else was asleep, I dyed my hair sea green and blue. Everyone looked really surprised when I came downstairs the next morning. 'Oh don't look at me like that guys. I did it on an impulse.' 'I like it.' said Nico. We'd all started eating breakfast in the Big House too. I picked up a jar of peach slices that someone had set aside for me and started eating while leaning my head against Nico's knee as I sat on the ground. He started running his hand through my hair and I felt better instantly; Nico had this thing where he did everything right.

    I went to training ahead of everyone else and sat by the sea. I decided to try something; I closed my eyes, focused really hard on the water and thought about a dragon. When I opened my eyes, I was face to face with a water dragon. It was angry and its breathing was heavy, with water vapor shooting out of its nostrils. I started breathing through my mouth in fear and got up slowly. I kept my hands in front of me and kept my knees bent. It started to move toward me and I held one hand out in front of its snout and stayed there. Its breathing slowed down and it pushed its snout into my hand. I started to pet it and it started nuzzling me and growling in a loving way. 'You're a real softie aren't you boy?' It snorted. 'Girl. I'm gonna name you... London.' London bowed her head, which could only mean one thing- she wanted me to climb onto her back. I did and when she took off, riding her felt totally natural. London did flips and tricks and barrel rolls. We got a great view of the camp and the campers training. I got London to swoop in low and I yelled, 'Pick up the pace, Alani! Octavian's gonna skewer you in seconds if you don't move quicker!' Everyone stared up at me with their mouths hanging open.

    When we flew back to the beach, everyone was already waiting for us. I got down from London's back, 'Down, London.' 'How did you DO that? I want one!' said Hazel. 'Can you please teach us how to do that?'  asked Annabeth. 'Oh my gosh. Yes!' I exclaimed and that's how we spent the rest of the day.

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