We Win Capture the Flag and I Fight Another Monster

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Our team was at the creek and Annabeth was talking strategy. 'The Poseidon cabin will guard the flag,' Annabeth ordered, 'Ares, Iris and Athena, we'll lead the frontal assault. Apollo, you're in the trees, Hepheastus, stay in hiding with those toys. Hermes, you go sabotage the other team, Nico, you're backup in case Poseidon gets overwhelmed. And Hypnos, just don't fall asleep.' When the game began, Percy asked me, 'So, what was your life like before camp?' There was no one but us and Nico, so I decided to spill. 'Well.' I said, 'I was an aspiring singer and musician, I had a scholarship locked in for NYU and I did gymnastics for 6 years, but then I broke my foot, back and arm and it just wasn't the same anymore.' I found it hard to talk about that last part. Percy must've saw that I was sad because he didn't ask anymore questions.

   After about 30 minutes, I heard yelling in the distance. Then I saw Annabeth running towards us the other team's flag in her hand, followed by the entire other team. 'Come on, Annabeth! You got this!' I urged. Her grey eyes were somewhat amused under her helmet, like she already knew we won. She crossed the creek and the flag became grey with an owl. Everyone gathered at the creek and our team was cheering, lifting Annabeth on our shoulders. 'The game is won.' said Chiron. The night was perfect, but then we heard a loud bark.

   Everyone was silent and then a dog the size of a rhino leaped in front of me. 'Hellhound!' shouted Percy, 'And it's not Mrs. O'Leary!' I didn't know what that meant, but I was ready to kill this thing. I got out my axe and Percy yelled, 'Julie?! Are you insane?!' 'Probably!' I yelled back. 'She's got this,' said Nico,' She took down a Colchis bull by herself earlier today.' The hellhound charged me and I rolled into the lake. It was time to test my Poseidon powers. I willed the creek into a giant hand that copied my movements. I picked up the hellhound and squeezed as hard as I could until finally, it broke into gold dust. Everyone stared at me in awe. Percy came towards me and said, 'Julie, step out of the creek.' I did and I immediately felt exhausted. I would've fallen over if Percy hadn't caught me. 'I knew you'd be like this.' Percy carried me back into the creek for about 20 seconds and after that, I felt good as new. 'Let's get to bed everyone.' said Chiron.


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