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If your wondering I am Isabelle Wills daughter of Mark Wills, and Ella Wills, I am 11 years of age and I was born in London, I am the average height and weight of an 11 year old, I have greenish blue eyes, medium wavy blond hair and freckles on my cheeks and nose . I live in a small cottage in the north of London, there isn't many people around here. My dad works in a farm he always brings us food and milk from it , he does the possible and impossible to keep this family alive, he is very brave.

My mum stays at home to take care of me and my little 2 year old brother Isaac, she also teaches me how to read and write, because we cant afford for me to go to a school, she is really sweet, caring and the most selfless person I know, not that I know many people.

Some of the only people I know are the Weasley family, they have been my parents best friends since forever they have 1 daughter and 6 sons, but I don't know much about their sons and daughter, I have never met them but their parents, Moly and Arthur are really kind people, they have been to my house a few times and they always bring a few sweets, their family has enough money to buy sweets but ours doesn't we are very poor.

I woke up because of the sun rays going through the cheap plastic blinds in my room, I get up and sit on my bed, I stretch and fix my cream bed sheets and pillow. I walk to my window and pull the blinds up, the sky is blue and the sun is shinning bright, it is a beautiful morning.

I hear a knock at the door "Come in" I say in my morning voice "Good morning darling" its my mum, she was wearing a red woollen dress which was long sleeved with black tights, her lucky charm which Is a necklace with a gold star on it, and brown fluffy boots, my mum told me that the necklace has been in our family for generations and it has given luck to our family "Good morning mother" I reply politely while smiling "Breakfast is ready after you get ready you can come down stairs to have it" she says while hugging me "Alright I will take a second" i say my mum walks out of the room and closes the door.

I walk to my wardrobe to choose my outfit, I choose a dark blue polka dotted loose long sleeved top, and some black leggings and my brown leather boots with fur on the sides. I get out of my room and make my way to the bathroom that I share with my whole family, I get my hair brushed and I put it in a normal plat I also splash my face with cold water to wake up and finally, I make my way down stairs.

"Good morning dad, good morning Isaac" I greet while kissing them both on the cheek "Very good morning darling" greets my dad, he is wearing a plain brown sweater, cream fabric trousers and black shoes, Isaac doesn't greet me, he's to busy messing with his food and is still in his pyjamas "It is indeed father" I reply smiling "here you go honey" says my mum while handing me my breakfast two pieces of toast with butter and a cup of fresh orange juice I sit down and slowly start eating my breakfast while my mum washes the dishes, my dad reads the newspaper and Isaac is just being Isaac.

I finish my last last bite of toast and then my mum sits down and looks at my dad weirdly what's going on here? my dad clears his throat and starts to speak "Honey me and your mother have to tell you something very important that you have to promise to believe, do you promise?" I am very confused "Ok, I promise" I reply "How do I put this, honey you are a witch" what is he going on about? "I'm a what?" I ask confused "A witch honey, you're a witch" my mum says sweetly "No way, dad, Mum if I really am a wh-wh-itch prove it to me" I can feel the tears travelling to my eyes, this is just to much for me to handle, suddenly the lights in the house start to dim and the sky gets darker, what? this isn't possible "There is your proof honey" says dad my jaw drops, did I do that? am I really a witch?

"How?" I ask "Your a witch, and you haven't learned to control your powers yet, so when you feel a strong emotion like sadness, anger, excitement etc... things like this will happen" I'm shocked this isn't happening, now its my mums turn to clear her throat "To learn how to control your powers you are going to have to go to a special school, a school for wizards and witches, its called Hogwarts and its one of the finest witchcraft and wizardry schools!" ok this is to much stuff at the time for me to handle, first I'm a witch, then I'm going to a school for witches and wizards, what's next?

"How come you never told me this before?" I ask "Because we were waiting until you were ready, and now your ready and you are of age to go to Hogwarts" ok two seconds ago I was extremely worried but now I'm actually thinking that this is going to be fun I'm finally going to get friends and meet new people, and I'm actually a witch I can do magic, I'm going to learn to do magic "Is anyone else that I know a witch or a wizard?" I ask "All of the people you know are witches and wizards darling, including us!" reply's my mother.

Wow really so all of my family and the Weasley family are witches and wizards, thats unexpected "Really?" I ask "Yes all of the Weasleys and us are witches and wizards but you are the only one who didn't know, well to be precise you and Isaac, but he is to young to understand" my dad says "Oh and two of the weaslys sons are your age they are twins and they are going to be in the same year as you at Hogwarts" says dad "I hope they will want to be my friends!" I say "Oh there will be plenty of time for all of you guys to get to know each other, tomorrow you will go to the Weasleys house and you will stay there until Hogwarts starts!" says my mum "wait, what?" I ask "Yes honey unfortunately me and your mother wont be able to take you to the places you need to go to get the supplies for school, because they are to far away so the Weasleys offered to take you and keep you for a week" oh my I'm finally going to meet people my age!

"That's fine Dad, so I'm going to the Weasleys house tomorrow and to Hogwarts in a week?" I ask "Yes Darling the Weaslys will explain everything you need to know about the magic world and Hogwarts, and take you to get supplies for school, you will finally meet some people your age!"

I'm so happy I feel like my head is going to explode, suddenly the lights go extremely bright and the sky turns blue again "I take that as an, I'm exited about the news!" says my dad.

This is a dream, isn't it?

This is just a dream, isn't it?FRED WEASLY LOVE STORYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon