Chapter 3

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These past five days went bye really quick, I basically learned new things about everyone, and everyone learned new thing about me, I also learned new things about houses and teachers at Hogwarts, I grew really close to the twins and Ginny I spent most of my time chatting and playing with them, I would say my closest friend out of those three is Fred we play together a lot and we kind of have a stronger connection, I am not as close to Ron and Percy but we were still really good friends. Tomorrow we are going to Diagon ally, which is were there is shops and things like that, for witches and wizards, to get supplies for Hogwarts and other magic schools "Good night Isabelle, good night Ginny" say Fred and George while hugging me and Ginny Fred hugs me longer, but hey I'm not complaining! "sweet dreams Isabelle" he whispers in my ear "Sweet dreams Fred" I say and hug him back.

The next morning

"ISABELLE WAKE UP, WERE GOING TO DIAGON ALLY IN 30 MINUTES!" I wake with someone screaming in my ears, I open my eyes and that someone is George, I give him the glare and stand up without even speaking to him, have I told you I'm not a morning person? no? well I'm not a morning person! "Morning Isabelle!" greets Fred happily, a smile creeps onto my lips, wait what happened to me not being a morning person "Morning Fred, sleep well?" what's wrong with me, its probably because Fred is such a close friend, he is the closest friend I have we are always together "Yes I had an amazing dream how about you?" he reply's "Well I slept well, but I don't remember what I dreamt about, what did you dream about?" I reply "Oh I dreamt about being the captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team at Hogwarts, and something else but that's a secret!" he says and smiles I wonder what the other thing is "Oh ok I have to go and get ready to go to Diagon Ally! see you later!" I say while hugging him "See you!" he says while hugging back.

I chose my outfit and left it at the bathroom yesterday, I knew I was going to sleep in, my outfit is a thick patterned blue and white jumper with a turtle neck, a mini beige velvet skirt, white tights and beige flats, I first took a shower brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, got dressed and made my way downstairs "Good morning Molly, Percy, Ron and Ginny" I say and then there is a chorus of Morning's Arthur must of already left to work"Is there anytime for me to have breakfast?" I ask "Of corse, here!" says Molly while handing me a plate with 2 pancakes covered in syrup and a cup of mint tea "Thank you so much" I say "No problem darling" reply's Molly while kissing the top of my head and smiling, I smile back.

When we are all ready Molly says that only me, the twins and Percy are going because the others aren't going to Hogwarts this year, they don't need to go. I grab my purse with my money and supplies list in it and my coat the others do the same "Ok children we are travelling by floo powder today, Percy would you like to demonstrate?" Percy walks to the fire place and grabs a hand full of a type of powder that is inside a small bowl "Diagon Ally" says Percy while throwing the powder on the floor, a cloud of green smoke fills the air, and then Percy is not there anymore my jaw drops, this is so wicked, ok im spending way to much time with Ron "Now George, your going with me, Fred and Isabelle you are going together, you two first!" says Molly while pointing at us ,I put my coat on and so does Fred, he grabs my hand and guides me to the fire place he then grabs a handful of floo powder "Now dear because its the first time your travelling by floo powder you might feel a bit sick and dizzy, Fred help her if she does, you two are going to walk around together, please don't stray to far and make sure you get everything you need!" says Molly "Ok mother, I will take good care of her, don't worry!" says Fred I giggle, he then throws the floo powder on the floor and says "Diagon Ally" he grabs my hand tighter, in seconds I feel like I'm being squished and stretched several times.

"Isabelle are you ok? Isabelle?" says Fred while holding me up "I feel really dizzy" I say weakly "The dizziness is going to go away in minute, don't worry" he says while stroking my shoulders. Minutes later my dizziness went away and me and Fred were walking through the streets of Diagon Ally, it was beautiful, the shop windows were bright and colourful, there were hundreds of witches and wizards walking fast and slow, there was a lovely scent in the air but what is it, is it pumpkin yes! the sweet scent of pumpkin "its amazing isn't it?" asks Fred while grabbing my hand to guide me, I nod and then I remember what we came here to do "Let me get my list out to see what we need to get" I say while pulling him back by his hand "Ok go on" I get it out and take a look at it...

This is just a dream, isn't it?FRED WEASLY LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now