Chapter 5

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I wake up with someone shuffling in bed, I open my eyes and see that someone was Julia, she is sitting on her bed stretching, "Morning!" she says happily "Morning" I say in my morning voice, I stand up and walk to the window were Angel is suppose to be but isn't, I start to worry, were is she? "You know there's an owlery , all the owls go there, and Filch feeds them and stuff" says Julia again very happily, oh my, that's a relieve I close her cage and put it on the floor "So when I want to send something to someone, do I need to go to the owlery?" I ask, Julia nods "Or you could just shout her name, she will come that way!" she adds while standing up and changing, I do the same, I put all my Gryffindor robes and shoes on, when I'm about to put my jumper on I see that there is a time table, but I cant be bothered to look at it. I go to the bathroom that's also in our room, to brush my teeth, and do my hair, I simply brush my hair, make two small plats with the front part of it on both sides, and pin the plats in place, I also get the books and things that I need for today's lessons.

I Go down to the common room with Julia by my side, she has her hair up in a ponytail and her robes are perfectly ironed like mine. When we are down at the common room, I notice two gingers are sitting on one of the red sofas, chatting, "Lets scare them, follow me!" I say, Julia nods and does as I say, we sneakily get behind the  twins, me behind Fred and Julia behind George and we scream really loudly at the same time, the twins fall of the sofa and do a flip on the soft red carpet, me and Julia fall on the floor laughing like maniacs and high five each other, "We are definatly the best!" she says and has another laughing fit. "Hahaha, very funny!" say Fred and George at the same time while trying to keep a straight face, but failing miserably, they start laughing with us. After several other fits of laughter we stop and sit on the sofa, we still had ten minutes till breakfast was served "We will get revenge!" says George dramatically "Oh you wouldn't dare!" says Julia while pinching his cheeks, I look up at Fred and make a what is going on between them two face, he just shrugs and smiles "Oh and by the way morning!" I say to Fred and George but George is to distracted playing around with Julia , so I only hug Fred, he hugs back and strokes my back, I smile into the hug, he is so cute!   I think to myself.

"What lesson do we have first" I ask the twins, while we are on our way to breakfast, Fred takes a look at his timetable "Potions, with Professor Snape, Oh joy, he is the worst teacher!" he answers, I frown, I have the worst teacher in my first lesson, "Don't worry, we wont let him do anything to you" the twins say while both hugging me side ways, I smile and hug them back. I have the best friends in the world! When we got to the Great Hall  we sat down at the Gryffindor table, there was a lot of food, but not nearly as much as there was yesterday, I get two pieces of buttered toast and a glass of a warm brownish liquid, I look at it closer "Its called hot chocolate, its good try it!" says Fred who is sitting next to me, I take a sip of it and it actually tastes amazing, I make a satisfied face and smile at Fred, he smiles back while stuffing his face In pancakes covered in toffee sauce, I giggle and continue eating.

When we are finished with breakfast we start making our way to the first lesson potions, this school is massive, we got lost like 20 times but still managed to get there in time, we get there and sit down, Julia and George sit together on a table for two, me and Fred do the same, I put my things on top of the desk, Fred does the same, I take a look around the classroom, the walls are full of little bottles, pots, tiny paper bags, there is around 7 desks that fit two people and there is a bigger desk for the teacher. Me and Fred were laughing and chatting about rats with wigs (don't ask) and suddenly I hear a loud noise, my head turns out of pure instinct and see that it was snape closing, no not closing banging the windows shut, turning the room dark and weary, "I expect you to know that this is a very important lesson, it is to be taken very seriously." he says in his deep low voice, dragging his words at the end "For this practical you will be working in partners,turn to page 12" me and Fred decide to share a book, when we open page 12 this is what it says...

This is just a dream, isn't it?FRED WEASLY LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now